Lo, in the beginning there was but a single substance, One undivided, complete unto itself yet containing all within its grasp.
In the fullness of time this One could not but be fruitful and multiply. For such was commanded by the holy scriptures.
And the people gazed upon the Creation with wonder. Bounty piled upon bounty, filling all space, soaring heavenward. Yea, but the people were called to journey. And they couldst not leave the Fruit of the One behind. So the sacraments were placed in sacred vessels, and the people couldst worship wheresoever they found themselves.
But the Garden was not without thorns, for one day the He of the people found that the She of the people had sinned grievously against the Holy Icons. And so it came to be that a Commandment from on high was pronounced, and, praise be, thus far it hath been obeyed.
So endeth the story of a creation that is but at the beginning. For the grace of the Source is boundless and delivereth to the people whatsoever they may pray for.
Amen. Om Shanti. Power to the People, Right On.