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August 04, 2004


Wait a minute! Mom was right. By pulling back the husk on the corn, you are looking for bugs or worms. If there aren't any, then you take the ear you fooled with.
Some grocers remove part of the husk so you don't have to do this. But because we always cook the corn in foil after soaking it in water, we want the corn to be intact.

Grocers are also sneaky in that the bad side of a piece of fruit are sometimes put on the bottom, so you have to pick them up to look. I am guilty of lightly squeezing avacados, however.

Revelations indeed! Based on the behaviors outlined in this story, I wonder if the roadside grocer had some moral angst of his own. Could it be that he was (secretly) more concerned with the fondling of the corn than the actual peeling, (thereby exposing the corn's birthday suit), and he was just too embarrassed or conservative or unliberated to express it? Who knows what moral dilemmas the poor pitifully perplexed platonic proprietor faced in that moment!? The better question is: "was the corn fondled before or after the aforementioned peeling incident?" Yes, that is the question, which I realized in the final line when the author pondered ...'rewriting the scriptures as necessary'). My observation /commentary was then confirmed when Carol Ann (see earlier posted comment) blatantly admitted to the squeezing of avacoadoes. When will this indecent exposure and questionable touching in the vegetable aisles stop? Vegetables and fruits have rights too, you know. If only Buddha wrote clearer guidelines for our modern day behavior on this stuff...

I married the produce boy.. so I just asked him in the other room to explain why this is, because I may not purchase corn that has been touched... in my obsessive compulsive shopping habits...
Background.. My husband and I met while working for Roth's. He was the produce boy and I was the courtesy clerk..
He says that in the summer many people buy corn to put on the grill, which means that the husk needs to be intact. He also said that he would never buy corn that he didn't personally pull the husk back, but that a person could check for worms and such in the first inch of the husk. In fact, when I was training to be a checker, I would often use my future husband as a training tool for learning obscure produce items. While we would practice, he would pull one area of the husk off the corn for presentation for those who were boiling, leave all of the husk on for the barbeques, and pulling all of the husk off for the lazy.
You know, Scott did a much better job of explaining this.. but I hope this makes sense.

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