We aren’t flying an American flag today. We didn’t go to a Fourth of July parade. We won’t be setting off any fireworks. But reading the great article in today’s Oregonian, “Global Oil: The Terminal Decline,” made me realize that we’re true patriots because we drive a Prius. A hybrid. A 45 mpg car (that’s our real everyday mileage, not fake EPA mileage).
[Note: I couldn’t find the Oregonian article online, probably because it is syndicated. But here is another recent article by the author, Aaron Naparstek, that covers much of the same ground.]
This article should be required reading for everybody in the United States who believes that $2 a gallon gasoline is an aberration, and that Good Godly Man, President George W. Bush, is who we need to lead us through the shadow of these $40 fill-up days into the light of perpetual cheap fodder to feed Americans’ gas hogs.
“Just get those pinko environmentalists out of the way,” these deluded souls think, “and let the oil industry get us the limitless supplies of fossil fuel waiting to be tapped. There’s no need for conservation. Red, white, and blue-blooded conservatives don’t conserve! We use non-renewable resources liberally!”
Well, aside from the illogic in this view of conservatism (as I’ve written before, I was raised by a mother who was both politically and environmentally conservative in the best New England sense; she hated to waste anything), it has no factual or scientific support. As the article says, oil experts don’t debate whether world oil production will peak, but rather when it will peak. Sometime between 2006 and 2040, probably, with a lot more likelihood of the date being early in this century.
Nobody knows how much oil is left. The Middle East oil countries are notoriously tight-lipped on questions about proven oil reserves. Regardless, most remaining oil is in OPEC hands. Which means, on this 4th of July and for many years into the future, this country isn’t independent. Not really, because in our modern technological age political independence goes hand-in-hand with reliable energy supplies.
Imagine if the spigot of OPEC oil into the United States were shut off. How long would it take for the American economy to crumble and for the fabric that holds our society to shred? Not long. Yes, an abrupt end to imported oil is unlikely—though not out of the question, given the instability in the Middle East. But a gradual decline is absolutely certain, because the supply of oil is finite, while the demand for oil is virtually unlimited.
I don’t understand how patriotic Americans can read the Oregonian article and not say to themselves, “My next car will be a hybrid. Guaranteed.” I keep waiting for Kerry to have the guts to say what needs to be said, because it is true: real patriots drive Priuses (as well as the Honda hybrids, and soon Ford Explorers, Toyota Highlanders, the Lexus SUV, and others, I hope).
Laurel and I don’t need to fly the flag on Independence Day. Every time we get into our Prius we demonstrate our commitment to American independence. When are you OPEC-loving Hummer, Expedition, and Suburban drivers with your meaningless flag decals attached to your 15 mpg vehicles going to start acting like real patriots? A flag is just a symbol of patriotism; our Prius is reality.
Do you know where I can find the bumper sticker---
"True Patriots get at least 30 mpg"
One was seen today in Billings, Montana and I am looking for the source. I've got the Honda Civic Hybrid. Always 48-52 mpg (at 55-58 mph - much better than 52), depending on how much of a hurry I am in. Thank you.
Posted by: Ellen | November 23, 2004 at 07:38 PM