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April 22, 2004


Jeremiah 51:20 "Thou art my battleaxe and weapons of war,
for with thee I will break in pieces the nations..."

Mr. Bush's God is of course the Biblical Jehovah. Anyone
who actually reads the Bible, or Koran, without the religious
glasses on, will see that these are books of violence, and
destruction, and war is the recurring theme. Biblically, World
leaders are put there BY GOD, so Bush obviously sees his role
as God ordained.

Haha you are right. So mr Eckhart was Zen? He sounds like the filosophy of Bruce Lee. They get stuck in a protocol. What KRSNA says in the Baghavat Gita.

I think John Kelly is right too. The Neocons worship JHWH. MasterCon from Draco. But if so they worship a revengeful, jealous god. They better be aware. Hah.

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