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March 16, 2004


What measures did you take to bolster and contribute to this elusive spirit that you sought with SFA?

Brian, 8/29/04
I am sad to read your obituary of the 'spirit' of SFA. I have been looking at this project, from afar, as a beacon of hope, enlightenment and satisfying employment of some of my hours left to live on planet Earth.
I have offered volunteer services for over two years, and to date, no response has been tendered: pehaps a situation of 'The best response is no response at all.' I have been puzzled by this situation, and figured I would have to find another avenue to develop my vision of Salem in the 21st century.
Meanwhile, in my mind, the rare news stories in the Statesman-Jounal, act as 'towncrier' for the progress of SFA. I continue to discuss this project with friends and associates, as THE benchmark development in the Willamette Valley, and perhaps the North West.
Last Wed., purely by serendippity, I met Tony Nielson. He has invited me to tour the property and hear about his 'vision.' Is he so far philosophically from you and Russ and Delana? Is his dream based solely on the economic gain and not on the true growth and 'spirit' essence you describe?
You ask: "What truly sustains us? Not water, not air, not food, not shelter..." I understand your emphasis on the creative force inside the shell, and I also know for certain my shell doesn't fare well without these basics. Without my shell, my spirit has no root, and withers just as certainly as with the lack of community you describe.
I want to see FSA become an environment "where people love to live, work and play..." I don't know how to make this happen without active involvement. You sound like your activity level has ceased; I hope for all of our sake, you are revitalized. Gregg Dart/ Totally Creative Concepts

"Everyone complains about improving society,and no man improves." rwe,thoreau?

I would love to learn more about the Fairview project, as my father worked there for many years. As a child, I spent time with patients during events such as the 4th of July celebrations. I'll never forget these experiences. I'd love to see the site Preseved, but it sounds like that's not possible. Keep me posted on what's going on.
Margaret Callicrate
[email protected]

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