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March 20, 2004


How can Conrad Hilton's parents be your Great Grandparents, when Conrad Hilton is your Great Uncle as he is mine, and I am your Sister?

In response to my sister's comment: OK, I've drawn all this out on a piece of paper. Conrad Hilton and Eva Hilton are brother and sister--they have the same parents. Eva Hilton (Lewis) is my grandmother. So Conrad and Eva Hilton's parents are my (and your) great-grandparents. Your comment agrees with this! My uncle's parents are my grandparents; so my great uncle's parents are my great-grandparents. Yes?

Yes, exactly so.

So why is Hilton getting her time of fame? You should too!

i didnt know Paris had a clothing line. do you have a link to that info?

Your grandmother's brother, Conrad Hilton, is your granduncle. Her and his parents are your great grandparents. Exactly right.

Then Conrad's children, including William Barron Hilton, are your mother's or father's 1st cousins. (In the same generation.)

Then William B. Hilton's children, including Richard Hilton, is your 2nd cousin. (You and Rick are both in the same generation.)

Then Rick Hilton's children, including Paris Hilton, are your 2nd cousins 1 generation removed. (From the same generation. As you and Paris' father, Rick, are in the same generation as 2nd cousins.)

Your child and Paris Hilton would be 3rd cousins. (In the same generation.)

Oh my god that is confusing.

very nice site you have here =)...just remembered last thursday that she was going to be on the tony danza show the next day (i missed that one) and that she and nicole aren't friends anymore. i was randomly surfing the web and came upon your blog...your relationship to her is pretty confusing but interesting...are you going to tell her that you are related to her? i once had a weird thought, at my mind numbing job, what it would be like to be her personal asst and dreamt about having it since she shops a lot and i'm a big fan of fashion and runway shows. she probably has one already but i was thinking how crazy and fun it would be if i had that job...i told my mgr and she said i should try to write her, funny huh? thank you for the nice entry here!

the genealogy part is fun. I have a second cousin once removed who is of note as well, so I remember going through the confusion to figure out what the relation was. (btw, mine is a Nobel prize winning chemist :-D)

Does anyone know if paris has a cousin named whitney? i know it's a dumb question but i need to know..

im a 17 year old female who lives in australia and im the hilton sisters cousion im there 1st cousion, i have meet them both many of times. im just wonderign what that would make me to you if imher first cuz??? thanks cya

I also am a cousin of Paris Hilton. She is my third cousin. Conrad was my great uncle and her dad is my second cousin onece removed her grandfather was my first cousin twice removed It sounds like there are a lot of us around. I have never met any of you personaly but would love to. It would be something to see a hilton family reunion.
But do the rich and famous mingle with the poor even if its blood. If any of you my cousins would like to contact me just email me as i have or will do as i see that we are realated

I really need to find out if Paris Hilton has a cousin named Vanessa Hilton? Is it true that Vanessa's father happen to be Bulgarian? It's really important. I will appreciate it. Thanks!!!

This is all so interesting! I haven't paid attention to Hilton much until now, with Paris behind bars...poor thing. I'm interested in anyone related as I TOO am related in a very distant way! My great grandmother and Paris' great grandmother were sisters. The Laufersweiler name is common to us both, but I don't know much more - except they settled in Iowa from Germany, and there still exists the Laufersweiler funeral home in Fort Dodge, Iowa , where I grew up. Anyone know anything more about this geneaolgoy???Thanks!

Brooke Ashley Brinson
Whitney Davis
Chad Davis
Kimberly Johnson
Farrah Umansky
Alexia Umansky
Sophia Umansky


Kim had these 4 from 3 different men.
Brooke, Whitney, Chad and Kimberly

Kyle had these 3 girls
Farrah, Alexia and Sophia

6 Girls -- 1 Boy from The 2 sisters of Kathy

hey is paris hiltons cossin maddy drenstin


i was wondering if its a good or bad thing when my teachers ask if im related to paris cause of my last name (i dont know if we are related )

Mary Laufersweiler married August Hilton and they settled in San Antonio, New Mexico. Their children included Felice Hilton (my grandmother)Eva, Conrad, Rosemary, Carl, and Helen. This is off the top of my head. Conrad Hilton's autobiography Be My Guest has a photo of them all and his early career as manager for the Hilton Trio that Eva played the violin for. Some of my cherished memories of Aunt Eva was her playing Pop Goes the Weasel for us on my tiny violin when i was in grade school. She used to wear beautiful concha belts from the southwest and turquoise jewelry that brought out the color of her eyes. Anyway, I had a dream of her daughter Sally's kids last night who our family grew up with in Corrales, New Mexico and would love to hear from them. Eva, Debbie, Sam you out there?

i just wanted to know if you were a real person...

i am your siter four times removed.!!
i am so glad i found you!!

maybe we will meet someday..??

Cassie, you ask a big philosophical question. What is "real"? Simple non-philosophical answer: yes, I am. Otherwise, how could I be typing out this response?

you all are fucked up in the head

I too am a cousin of Paris Hilton, and admire some of the things she has done. Felice Hilton, Paris' great aunt was my great grand mother. Not that I have found any of the Hiltons very welcoming, as a matter of fact they seem to be very guarded, which is not a surprise. Steve Hilton, who works for the Conrad Hilton foundation emailed back a couple of times when I inquired about family history, but none of the other Hiltons have been responsive. Fuck 'em. I'm not looking for anything but a blood line, and if they don't want to participate, it's their lose.

Hi im also a Hilton but pretty far out. I tried contacting some of them, even some of them living in Norway. Its funny hah that all we Hiltons really are Norwegian from the beginning. I tried contacting David Alan Hilton, the brother of Rich and he seemed really nice.:)

She is intimate as hell. Why did she need more?

Barbara Heffenger, I am the littlest sister of Debbie, Eva and Sam. After Sam came Heather and Sean, twins, and then me, Summer. We would love to here from you. Are in facebook? In fact anyone related to Paris: We are 3rd cousins removed I believe, contact us via facebook. Use our last name Leslie.

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