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March 08, 2004


Thanks for your wonderful review of Chased by the Light, Brian and Laurel! I am the documentary's writer and producer, and it is wonderful to read that the program had such impact on you. Jim's "90-day" project also deeply inspired me and co-directors Bob Foucault (who shot nearly all videography) and Steve Kahlenbeck (audio recorder and editor) of Aurora Pictures when we first learned about it upon interviewing Jim for another production in 1998, just after his Chased by the Light book was published to wide acclaim.

We are currently planning to produce a new version of the Chased by the Light story featuring a dialog between Jim and Parker Palmer, a writer and educator who has explored deeply issues related to living an authentic life. Anyone interested in purchasing a DVD or VHS copy of the PBS program can do so at www.aurorapictures.com

Best regards,

John Shepard

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