Woke up this morning to alarm clock beeping…no reason to set it, except to be up in time by noon to watch Rose Bowl…no, didn’t set it…slumber thoughts slowly awaken: electricity is off, again!...then on, then off, then on, then off…now on, perhaps the Electricity Goddess has heard our prayers…must pray harder…would offer first-born son if had one…will you take a daughter, Goddess? Name is Celeste, lives in North Hollywood (just kidding C.; actually have offered to loan you to Goddess until cold weather is over)…already being blamed by Laurel for this snow event, just like last time: “You were the one all excited about it snowing; it’s your fault”…perhaps it is…a friend is fond of saying, “If a man does something, and there is no woman around to see him do it, is it still wrong?...will have plenty of time to ponder this koan if lights go off…snow still falling…wet snow…tree limb breaking snow…Rose Bowl looking doubtful…Goddess! Goddess! Goddess! Electricity is our Lord! Electricity is our Master! We shall worship and serve thee forever and ever! (just keep the power on through the Rose Bowl).
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