It’s been a few weeks now since I engaged in an activity that needs confessing, but which I still can’t bring myself to speak openly about. So please excuse me for speaking indirectly in this posting. I hope you understand how difficult it is for me to talk about this. I mean, I’ve always known that I had a secret passion for it. And now that satellite TV (we subscribe to the DISH network) brings so many channels right into your home, it isn’t necessary to skulk around to view this sort of stuff any more. It’s right there in the TV listings. There’s even a whole channel devoted to it, I believe, which shows how many people in this country do what I have done.
Nonetheless, a few weekends ago I still found it hard to believe that I was spending hours in front of the TV watching men engage in the behaviors I now found so satisfying to observe, as a voyeur. Yes, back in my younger days I had dabbled in this activity, but I thought those youthful indiscretions had been left behind. Yet there I was, eyes glued to the TV screen, every fiber of my being thrilling to the sights and sounds that I knew other men enjoyed—both directly and vicariously—but I had always thought were beneath me.
Fortunately, Laurel was wonderfully supportive. At first I was ashamed to be doing this in front of her. When she sat down beside me, though, and said, “I didn’t know you enjoyed this sort of thing. Maybe you should take it up.”, a huge weight lifted from my psyche. I know Laurel would never join me in this activity, but at least she was open to me exploring it on my own one day. It’s so great to have an open marriage like we have, where one partner accepts the other for who they are—even when their behavior is outside the marital norm, as mine was that weekend.
Anyway, I feel a lot better now that I’ve revealed this secret. I really shouldn’t be so ashamed of it. Lots of men, and even not a few women, watch this stuff in the privacy of their home on TV every week. Many even do it themselves, right out in the open, shamelessly. If you want to get a taste of what I’m talking about, here’s a link to a related Internet site. Be warned: you may never think the same of me after you see what I’m becoming so passionate about.
Still, I’d rather that you know me as I am, rather than putting up a mask than hides my true nature. Anyway, I can’t help myself. Ah, the sight of men proudly brandishing their stiff phallic instruments, lusting after a single goal: getting their balls into the place that provides so much satisfaction when you do it right (although, interestingly, the intent is to perform the deed in as few strokes as possible). And each is man enough to do it 18 times in a single day!