These days it seems like there isn’t a whole lot of good news in the Oregonian and Statesman-Journal, but Tuesday, I believe, the O had a item in the TV section relating that Michael Savage’s weekend MSNBC “talk” (actually, rant) show had been cancelled. As described in this story, Savage told a caller that he was a sodomite who deserved to get AIDS and die. When I’m feeling masochistic I occasionally tune in to Savage’s late weekday afternoon slot on KXL, though it usually isn’t possible to listen to his hateful, misinformed, childish blather for more than a few minutes.
Today I emailed the general manager of KXL, Tim McNamara, asking him why KXL keeps the crazy kook Savage on the air, while MSNBC recognized that he doesn’t deserve any sort of presence on the public airwaves.
I said, “MSNBC made an instant, and absolutely correct decision, to can Michael Savage following his comments: ‘Oh, you're one of the sodomites. You should only get AIDS and die, you pig. How's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got nothing better than to put me down, you piece of garbage. You have got nothing to do today, go eat a sausage and choke on it.’
So, since KXL keeps Savage on, may we assume that KXL endorses these comments, as do the advertisers on Savage's show, and KXL believes that they reflect the sort of attitudes that should be broadcast over KXL's airwaves? Please do not give me the usual general manager reply, such as ‘We do not endorse Mr. Savage's comments, but we respect his right to say them.’ That's bullshit. Either you agree with what Savage says, and how he says it, or you don't. I would like to get a statement from you defending KXL's apparent decision to keep Savage on the air, and why MSNBC was wrong to kick Savage off while KXL is correct to keep him on. Thanks, Brian”
I’ll let you know how McNamara responds, if he does. If you’d like to share your own perspective on Savage with McNamara and KXL, you can use the KXL feedback page on their web site.