Back on July 17, in my “yin and yang news stories” post, I noted a report that men were paying big bucks in Las Vegas to hunt naked women with paintball guns. Something about this story didn’t seem quite right, but I took it at face value. After all, can’t you believe everything the media tells you? I even saw mention of this on Fox News! (Actually, I guess this should been a tipoff right there. It kills me every time a Fox anchor says, “Fair. Balanced. Unafraid.” Fair, balanced, and Fox News are four words that don’t belong together).
Anyway, it seemed rather strange, from the photos of the naked women I had seen, and had inspected as closely as possible to assure my own quasi-journalistic quasi-integrity, that they weren’t wearing goggles at a minimum, and protective clothing on, um, certain parts of their body as more of a minimum. Can’t you go blind from a paintball to the eye? Sure you can.
Now, it seems that the whole story was a fraud, as reported by CNN. I guess this is good news. The promoter of the Naked Bambi Hunts apparently was using this as a means of publicizing other videos he had made that featured paid actors and actresses, and no actual paintball shooting. So this is more a story of good old American entrepreneurship, than rich guys with $10,000 in their pocket indulging in sexual exploitation and degradation of women who would like that money in their purse. This still happens all the time, of course, but apparently not through Naked Bambi hunts.
Still, this idea got so much attention that probably someone else will truly offer such a service. I’d be interested in it, for a considerably lower cost, and with different prey to hunt. I’m not sure how much I’d pay for the chance to fire a paintball at a naked Michael Savage, the hugely irritating right-wing talk show host (see July 9 post), but it would be quite a bit. Recently Savage has taken to calling the woman who has accused Kobe Bryant of raping her, “Rocky Mountain Trash.” What a jerk. Today an editorial in the Oregonian is calling for the University of Oregon to stop letting KXL broadcast U of O sports events until Savage is off the air. Excellent idea.