It just keeps getting worse. Just when you think that the Bush administration can’t act any more high-handedly, dishonestly, and destructively-to-the-environment than it already is, we learn that there is more black magic in their evil bag of tricks. This is several day-old news, but it still frosts me—the decision to eliminate any significant mention of global climate change from the environmental report issued by the E.P.A. It really is astounding, how Bush and company are willing to let the planet go down the tubes so they can issue some paybacks to their corporate contributors.
Why the public isn’t more outraged by this incredibly shortsighted and stupid policy decision is beyond me. “America, the Nation of Sheep,” this should be our national motto rather than “In God We Trust,” or whatever the heck it is. I don’t get moved to outrage all that often, but the scientific evidence is so strong that humans are pushing the world’s climate to a tipping point, with unforeseen but nasty consequences, there simply is no justification for putting a political spin on what should be a dispassionate report on the state of the environment. I believe there is more to reality that this physical universe we inhabit. But this material reality is all we have so long as we live within our mortal frames, so we need to do what we can to be sure that it stays in good natural health. To bargain away our children’s and grandchildren’s future for some petty political points, how can we put up with it?