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February 15, 2003


i'm terrified that my afterlife will consist of a tourcherous realm of eternal aloneness and nothingness,i did mushrooms only once in my life and i had this experience,i'm afraid that it shows where im destined to go (i know this sounds nuts)
iv heard of nde's that are like this.this fear truly disturbs my mind and now im trapped in this obsessive thinking and trapped in my own thoughts kind of life.

i too have this "fear" and know exactly what ur talking about.it comes n goes but when it comes i try my best to go towards faith. go to church a different chruch. talk to a priest many ppl have this fear but r too scared to talk about it. i dont tell neone bc i dont want anyone else to have this "fear" too.but stay strong.easier said than done i knoe. but u kant let this run ur life or ur just wasting it..good luk god bless

Hey, I have that problem too... it's not a common phobia however... What scares me more is thinking about the past... about how the world was created and if there is God who created him. Your mind keeps going back and back in the past that it gets blocked one time and you can't think anymore, you get anxious and scared. Now fear of non existence is something different, you know that death is something tha happens to everyone and till now no one has avoided it. If you are a religious person then you should think about what your religion says about after death. You should rely on your God. The best way to get over this phobia is to think about future... not so far as when you'll die but... think that scientists may have found how can you be immortal until you'll "go off" (not from a car crash or things like that but from aging) think that you still have many years to live and that you don't know what might happen tomorrow. Do your best to find out about it.. but don't waste your whole life about what will happen when you'll die, It's very depressing and I know how it feels

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