My sister recently reminded me that it had been five days since my last posting. Indefensible! I shall punish myself severely, in a fashion that I cannot let myself know, or I would be able to take steps to avoid it. Let the punishment fall when I least expect it, which it will, since it isn't known even to myself. My only defense, and it is a weak one, is that dear Dell 8200 is still suffering from some start-up and performance problems, not unlike yours truly. So I continue to spend more time than usual fussing with computer maintenance issues. Tomorrow the patient is going to spend a few days in rehabilitation, and I hope he comes back in much better health. A friend, much more knowledgeable than I about the arcana of Windows XP and what-not, will attempt to restore Dellie to good working order, during which time (hopefully just a few days) the world shall have to suffer through no updates to HinesSight. We are, naturally, still contactable via email at [email protected] and [email protected] since Laurel's computer will keep us in touch cyberspacely.
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