We're looking forward to being part of the progress of Sustainable Fairview in 2003, and beyond. Here's an overview of the project, excerpted from the recently completed draft master plan. If you aren't familiar with Sustainable Fairview, whose name, blessedly, eventually will be changed to something better, it's worth taking a few minutes to read this summary.
I (Brian) have never been that much of an environmentalist, even though I'm married to a fanatic recycler, tree-planter, and defender of wildlife. Periodically I manage to take our tin cans, glass, and cardboard to the local drop-off site, but that has just about been the extent of my commitment to saving the earth. However, my involvement with Sustainable Fairview (we're members/investors in Sustainable Fairview Associates, the group developing the property) has helped to open my eyes to the Green side of life. Later I'll try to remember to share some eco-books that have also broadened my vision.