Canine Perfection, the Sublime Platonic Form of Dog--Serena! (serenely posing near the headwaters of the Metolius River, with Black Butte in the background)
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When i look at my own dog-and may i say yours!
This immediately convinces me that there is a creator!
Who else but a creator could or indeed would bless us mere humans with such fantastically created faithfull friends as our precious dogs?
Everytime i see my beloved sam(its a she by the way) then i just know that there is a merciefull God who gave her to me-to be my companion in my life for such a time as this.
I cant believe that people who love dogs turn out to be atheists?
How could you not believe that one day you will see them again?
Even you must know that the bible reverals to us that there will be animals in heaven? see..(Rev 19;11) Dosnt it describe Jesus riding a horse while coming out of heaven?
And if the bible says its so-i for one believe it!
I realise its the last thing you want to hear or read about.if i was you i wouldnt blame you!
But we are told "That there is a God in heaven that Revealeth Secrets" (DAN 2:28)
And i think that one of those tiny secrets of his-is Gods gift to each one of us of our precious pet dogs.
Just look at your dog! how did evolution bring him or her into your life?
i do hope i've not offended you in any way?
I know what you feel about christianity.
Posted by: paul titterington | April 18, 2006 at 01:55 PM
Paul, you're welcome to your own beliefs, but that's just what they are: beliefs. Not facts. The plain fact is that our beautiful dog is the result of evolution, just like you and I are.
That doesn't make Serena any less beautiful, nor you and I less worthy. In my opinion, it is the height of arrogance to presume that the human mind trumps reality--that what we want to believe is true should overshadow what science tells us is truly true.
Why do you want to believe in a God of your own making? Why not embrace the reality of the Creator, rather than the illusion of your own imagination? I feel a sense of the sacred when I consider the marvels of evolution and the Big Bang.
This is how things are, how they were meant to be by whatever power formed and sustains our universe.
When it comes to spirituality I don't believe in human words, such as those in the Bible. I believe in the ineffable word of God, which we hear "spoken" in countless ways, including the evolution of life on earth and the broader evolution of the entire universe.
Posted by: Brian | April 20, 2006 at 11:12 AM