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January 11, 2025


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Why RSSB was such a huge positive for India.


@Sant64, this is a much better link on the Video.


The one you provided tries to trick you into some BS money scheme.

But no one who has never traveled India would ever believe this stuff. I’ve seen stuff that absolutely shocked my naive Wife, such as open holes in the Train toilets , and dumping on the tracks, let alone people crapping in public along side the roads. Some one asked Gurinder about that in a Q & A, and he said not to worry, because it’s good cheap fertilizer.
I then couldn’t help but wonder, if that was the cheap fertilizer used to fertilize the free food at the Lankars and Golden Sikh Temple We toured.

But, I think the most shocking thing we ever experienced was when our Driver of a private car we were traveling in, had his windows rolled down, while driving through a city ( I won’t mention which here) , where there were throngs of beggers pressing us for money. Our Driver seemed to ignore all of them, and was obviously used to them.

But the one that shocked my wife the most was when a young female, looking like in her Teens, came to our window holding a DEAD baby in one arm, with her other open hand out begging for money!! The baby was dead, because it had turned grey. Very sad. That image still haunts my wife. But I saw MUCH more, while alone with out her, that would have over loaded her brain circuits. After all, she doesn’t mediate, and has never been interested in Religeons or mysticism,

But, Egypt is very similar to India, especially in Cairo and Alexandria. The men wear full body dresses, with out under ware, and just squat and pee and poop where ever they feel like, in public, but just squatting like females, while lifting their dresses!

Such a contrast to China, Dubai, and Abu Dahbi.!

By the way, Sant64, as I am reading you more here, with your style of writing and interests,…I ‘think” I recognize one of your past identities. Do I have your permission to reveal my best guess, or should I refrain?

If I reveal it, and am correct, will you fess up, and admit it, or deny it, and tell me I’m FOS.haha

Jim Sutherland

Thanks for a GREAT article, Brian. Lots to unpack there. I've only quickly glossed through it for now, will return later when I've time, bookmarked.

That last part we're kind of familiar with, thanks to your extensive coverage here of that guy's work, I forget his name ---- Indian guy I think, or maybe Sri Lankan, and I *think* his name starts with an S --- neurocientist, who in full detail explained the science of how exactly the mind creates our brain model, all of those "priors", et cetera. I recall that discussion, conducted over a good many blog posts, in some detail, but his name's slipped my mind.

...I signed in for Jarrow's course, as well. Following the link you've provided in your article, for which thanks, Brian.

Actually, now was not the best time to do this. Because I'm hugely rushed now, and chances are I'll simply gloss over the emails he'll now send, rather than engage with his material with the time and attention and respect that a deep dive into a subject like this deserves. On the other hand, there's so much of to-do piled up, that letting this go now and telling oneself one will return to it later, in practice usually means one ends up forgetting about it altogether in a while! This way, at least I'll get a rough idea what it's about : and since these are static emails, I can always return to them afterwards, emails already sitting in your inbox are a more compelling reminder than merely bookmarks and good intentions.

All of which stream-of-consciousness thoughts about my current schedule and my petty motivations, haha, are neither here nor there, are they. ...Short story, signed up, and am looking forward to checking out what he's got to offer.

Yup, just quickly read through his introductory email, great stuff. Glad I signed up, rather than waiting for a more opportune moment, which would likely never have materialized. This looks like precursor to the kind of material that might be attended to in depth, but might also admit of a more cursory and rushed read, at least basis this intro thing of his.

Always good to hear a balanced perspective on meditation. Particularly from the point of view where Jarrow talks about predictive processing and how our brains become ‘bogged down’ with information – may I say, much of which is the cause of many of our human and individual problems.

To quote Jarrow: - “Predictive processing says that we don’t experience the world as it is, but as we predict it to be. Our conscious experience is a construction of layered mental habits acquired through past experiences. We don’t see the world through our eye sockets; we don’t hear the world through our ear canals.”

Which is not to say that we don’t experience reality, it’s just that the reality our brains present to us is the information we need to navigate our environment. And if some of that information is in the form of stultifying archaic beliefs and models then the awareness of these can aid ‘liberation’.

Anyone interested in the predictive processing may be interested in reading Lisa Fieldman Barrett’s account of her research in her books: - ‘How Emotions Are Made’ and the more compact: - ‘Seven and a Half lessons About the Brain’.

The specific goal of
Nothing else can faint the Mind

The RS method has little to do with
what Yogis & Rishis offer which is Unification with
lower Deities via harsh ascese during many lives

Pls remember when U loved the most
and multiply that by a Zillion


If u live in the USA and strange Fog appears
Seek a lab to analyse on the nano scale 3300 Zoom
Don t inhale


Sam Harris' mind is deconstructed, so I guess mindfulness meditation works as advertised. Either that or the bullet hit the teleprompter and Jordan Peterson does have user interface issues...and Hunter Biden having corpses in his basement is a tiny issue compared To Trump U. Either that, or decades of mindfulness and Dzochen has no effect whatever on tds.

Which I believe elicits a serious topic: Maybe it's time to give up on the notion that a-theistic meditation produces wisdom. It could well be that mindfulness meditation acts as a kind of brainwashing that gives people the illusion their biases are clear thinking. Or even sanity.

Meditation can be some help just to calm one self and get centred again.

But if you get caught up in Religious garbage like Gurinder Singh Dhilion and Radha Soami Cult it can be hell not help.

As you repeat the evil meditative 5 names and concentrate on Gurinders evil ethereal form (kaal) you come to realise who he really is Lucifier the Light bearer that's why he gives you the names which include light devil to repeat.

That's a one way ticket to hell called Sachkand

Satan is the king of lies and for a good reason too
Don't follow a organisation which profits from you and gives you nothing in return let alone God.

Ah, Chandaria. Shamil Chandaria. That's the name I'd been struggling to remember, while posting my comment here the other day, even as I remembered both the fact of his presentation, and the content of it, as well as our extensive deliberations here about his work and its implications. The name popped up in today's installment of Jarrow's five-day meditation course material, delivered via email.

Have now gone through a couple instalment of Jarrow’s course. Lovely, completely lovely.

Nothing really new here, so far. But of course, that’s only because we’ve already covered all this material here already; and also because “we” are more than just a bit familiar with the actual praxis of mediation. But it’s *great*, how Jarrow ties it all together!

And I completely love his fully detailed exposition, that is completely entirely free of the woo-woo and/or charlatanry that so often infests these matters, while at the same time fully examining every facet of meditation.

Thanks again, Brian, for bringing this up here. And I’m patting myself in the back as well, for electing to do this course despite being so crazily, impossibly rushed at this present time. This is material one can take a deep dive in, and engage with in full detail, if one has the bandwidth; but equally, even a quick 15-20 minutes’ worth of perusal per installment, which is all I could give it for now, is still immeasurably better than simply postponing it and then eventually forgetting about it, given how simply and how cogently it’s all structured --- particularly if, like I said, we already are aware of most of all of this, thanks to Brian’s blog posts, albeit in piecemeal fashion, as well as fully familiar with the actual nuts-and-bolts practice involved in all of all of this, basis one’s own personal experience. …And of course, I’m preserving the emails, so that I can return to them for a more detailed read later when the crazy-rushed thing goes away. …But even if that latter never happens, even so, this will still have been well worth it, completely so.


This is such an obvious area, that cries out for direct detailed research and understanding. Meditation, I mean to say, and everything that entails and implies.

Today, we either have people avoiding these things altogether, or maybe engaging with them only very cursorily; or else getting mired, sooner or later, in woo; or else, as we’ve seen right here recently, eventually branching off into self-serving charlatanry. This sort of completely clear-eyed, holistic coverage of the subject, completely free of woo-woo and charlatanry, that completely incorporates both the subjective and the objective --- that’s what I so love about Brian’s completely dispassionate, selfless labor of love, this here Churchless blog of his: and that’s what I’m seeing here as well, so far at any rate.

Yeah, I’m loving this brief course thing of Jarrow’s.

Quick browse through the subsequent emails: Jhanas; and "supercharging" meditation with tech, as in direct stimulation of the brain, and psychedelics, etc.

While I did browse through these, but unlike the earlier installments, these two subjects, while I'm familiar with them, sure, but not enough about the details of them to absorb over a super-quick browse, particularly the latter. These two I absolutely must return to --- not someday, but as soon as I'm able to, as soon as time permits.

Very cool. Jarrow's course has fully lived up to the high expectations I'd had of it basis Brian's post and basis Jarrow's own prefatory messages.

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