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December 26, 2024


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It would be nice if I could be in the frame of mind to believe that everyone could have a happy new year and that Christmas wishes of peace and so on could be a reality. But fundamentally we know from experience it can never happen, not that we humans are stupid, far from it, it’s just that our intelligence is always subject to succumbing to our inborn fears and insecurities that in numerous ways makes us prone to fantastical beliefs and false statements that ultimately feed into our insecurities and desires.

“God helps those who help themselves,” not a biblical quote but a very old proverb that has been going the rounds for aeons and still generally propounded by those who have wealth and justify not sharing it. The quote: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God” is used in the same manner as the ‘God helps those . . .’ quote in that it can also be used to condemn others and gratify one’s own apparent altruism. And there is an alter-native to that in that the ‘rich man unable to enter the kingdom of heaven’ as meaning being rich in terms of beliefs, opinions, self-pride, ambitions etc. It goes on and on, depending on your way of thinking and behaving.

We humans are our own worst enemy, we crave security and peace yet our everyday thoughts and actions cause ourselves and others unnecessary suffering. God’s will not help us, nor will the grand words of politicians and leaders of any ilk – they have their own agendas; usually addressed before the people’s they claim to represent. Cynical of me perhaps? But it is normal and perhaps natural for people to act in their own interests – it is a basic survival trait. Even our acts of altruism have self-survival origins.

Religions tend to claim that accepting their founders’ words and believing in their teachings can save humanity from their worst excesses – though history and present-day personal and world actions prove otherwise. The various political and national agendas suffer the same fate.

Basically, it seems as though we will just have to struggle and make the best of the human environment we inhabit; though I’d be open to any suggestions that do not involve beliefs, blind acceptance and/or following self-proclaimed leader or saviours – or does that rule everything out?

The Bible teaches to breed tiny camels.

The New York Times relentlessly reported -- for years -- that the president of the United States was a Russian agent. How'd that turn out?

We all know how it turned out. The difference here is that the NYT's myth-making is good because it helps one political party, while it's bad when citizens are rightfully concerned about national security after the Chinese balloon incident on Biden's watch.

More good news -- Christianity is about charity, and people will have more $ to give to worthy causes after Trump lowers taxes and fixes the economy.

It is no surprise that we do not live up to the highest ethics. I think what is important is that we don't stop trying. And we take great joy reading the amazing words of mystic saints of the past who brought them to us.

Christ said "Judge not, lest ye be judged"
"Turn the other cheek"
"If he asks for your coat, give him your shirt as well."
"Make amends while you are on the way."

Here are, to me, the ten most incredible words every spoken:
"let one who is without sin cast the first stone."

When Jesus said this the crowd dropped their stones and walked away. Then Christ said to the woman:
"They have not condemned you, and neither will I."

If the world could practice this, all warfare would end instantly.
Because we are all flawed, we must learn to forgive, and that can be extremely difficult, extremely painful. when we realize it's necessary for our own progress, it becomes easier. We put things into the perspective of our first responsibility, to keep moving forward.

So there are some teachings so high, so noble, that very few can understand them. We all struggle to make sense of how to live like that.

But to the extent we can do so, or at least make progress in that direction, life becomes more peaceful, balanced, wholeistic. And then joy arises all on its own. We see that balance and justice are already there, and our job is just to stay alligned with the truth within ourselves and let life take its course, always offering to help where we can. That's our entire struggle.

When you don't see these things, you seek a teacher to help you. When you do see them, those realities become your boss, and your boss helps you find a peaceful way amidst the turmoil.

So, have a peaceful, happy, balanced New Year, All.


In Judaism, in the book of Leviticus it says "Treat the foreigner among you as native born, and treat them as you would treat yourself. ...Love them as you love yourself."

Recently the Pope opened the Holy Door, in part to celebrate the year of Jubilee.
In Judaism the year of Jubiliee is a year where all slaves are freed, where all debts are forgiven.

So simple. Not easy. Just simple.

@ Brian: - “… many people prefer a complex myth to simple truth.”

What interests me is that in spite of our obvious connection to and our interdependence with the natural world and, as with all of Earths inhabitants, this Earth supports and sustains us. We can witness this marvelous and unfolding spectacle, yet we still seem to need to overlay it all with stories and myths.

No doubt before we had the scientific evidence to give us a clearer understanding, it was natural to fill this lack of understanding with myths and legends thereby enabling a sense of understanding and control – but why still this need? It must come down to how our brains are wired and how such primitive thinking still dominates us.

No doubt the best we can do is to understand the mind in action, to see what generates our fears and insecurities and what drives us to seek explanations and to be happy knowing that some (many) things are never to be known. We tend to mix up the how of things with the why of things. We can ask how a phenomenon happens but will never know why.

How does the Earth have a night and day is answerable, but there is no answer as to why. Because we feel the need to know and to file the information away so the ‘why’ doesn’t bother us, we fall into the trap of imagining or inventing ‘why’. Consequently, a belief system emerges. Science is in the business of how, why is the province of the very human trait of imagination and speculation; born out of the anxiety and insecurity of completely not knowing who and what we are.

Where we resort to abstract beliefs and our favourite myth(s), know that they are merely fixes for our ever-present self-doubts, fears and insecurities – then just carry on!

@ Ron E.

I wonder whether it should be labeled a "trap" and "primitive" all "explanations" in whatever form they appear from science to myth etrc are kind of blueprints, working sheets, management steps to live in a given situation, natural and cultural.

The identification with, let us say, nationality, religion etc etc, although the source of much killing, is in its onset just a way of living, dealing with the circumstances.

And as such ..most of the times ...admirable inventions ... so to say.

Like any narrative ... humans inveted that narrative of foorball ... how much pleasure did it not bring ...and ...in its wake of course myserie too.

Or: .....

How clever and ingenious ... to create a whole spiritual universe.

Yes um. And we all live in our individual little self-contained religious, cultural and nationalistic bubbles, never actually touching anyone or anything else - though bursting out of one's bubble is too scary for most as it means living with what actually is.

Religious myth -making

A myth- making maybe...

But have you ever heard and seen endless myths and the making of lies by some religious groups like Gurinder Singh Dhilion and Radha Soami Cult.

The speaking of all myths of religions and the weaving of them all just to create and sustain a Cult based on lies that's what Gurinder does on stage

So is there truth in them religions that Gurinder Singh dhillon uses or not?

We can all be sure of one thing for a religious cult like Radha Soami to use all religions in a way like this it's shows the ugly truth Radha Soami and Gurinder Singh Dhilion have is Nothing of they're own to show for themselves, just the lies on stage and the fools to fall for them

Ufos why not, but Gurinders Singh Dhilion and the Radha Soami bull should always be a no no

Simple Truth.

As we approach the New Year let's begin to bin the bull and make moves


Narrative that people create are not about truth but about functionality.

Nobody is interested in the truth of an tool but whether it works.
All sports games are myths, narratives and they work.

All forms of government, democracy included are myth, narratives, but they are practical

Religions to are just practical tools ..nothing to be worried about.

All these narratives are part of a "way of life" aslong as it serves people it will exist and if it is no longer functional it will disappear ... all to be found in history books.

History books .. the tale of mankind is not about any truth to be found anywhere.

@ tre4z

We have saying:
Do not throw away old shoes before you have new ones.

If you can come up with an alternative for the things people find in religion, something that offers them a better thing than they are after they will certainly go there.

You see what you do is how people deal with the addiction of smoking etc. hey go on and on repeating, ...IT is bad for you ...they even put miserable picture on sigaret boxes to scare the people but it doesn't work ...telling that it is bad, that it harms the health is not an ALTERNATIVE

Give people an better alternative and they will stop the very moment.

“Kamala said, 'Trump is for the rich, I fight for the poor.’ But I don’t want to be low-class — I hope that’s not a bad way to say it. But I don’t want to be there,” said Christian Pion, 31, referring to Vice President Kamala Harris. He became a U.S. citizen last year, a decade after coming to the United States from the Dominican Republic, and cast his first presidential ballot for Trump. “God doesn’t want you to be poor.” "Next to him, his best friend, Willy J. Castillo, 39, who owns the shop and others, worked the register as he talked about Trump’s drive to succeed, overcome and survive. Castillo, who also voted for Trump, identifies with that: “The Bible says ‘God helps those who help themselves,’ right?”

You call this an example of the Christian "prosperity gospel"? These are simply people who are voting for the candidate who is more likely to keep inflation down and provide them with an economy that supports employment.

The Christian "prosperity gospel" is exemplified in the movie Marjoe, or in exposes about church leaders who advocate heavy tithing, saying that giving to the church will result in God blessing them with riches. Church leaders like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen.

"Twump's preaching the prosperity gospel!" So ridiculous, especially considering that Trump won the election because voters compared their economic welfare while he was president with how they did (poorly)under Joe Biden.

@sant64 regarding prosperity preaching. The following is my Sermon on Tithing:


There are 24 hours in each day. So 24 hours divided by 10 = 2.4 hours , which is the Tithe of our time, is 2.4 hours of Meditation per day seeking God in your body on loan…His Temple, asking Him to open His Windows of Heaven. Jesus taught his disciples to seek the Kingdom within.

So here is the Biblical challenge of tithing , if we want God to open our Windows of Heaven,…INSIDE,….not out side, where all the physical world of insanity of sickness, wars, etc. rage on.

Our challenge is given in Malachi 3:8,9, 10:
‘Will a man rob God? Yet, you have robbed me, in tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse; for you have robbed me, even the whole nation. Bring all the tithes in to the Store House, that there might be food in my house, and prove me now, here with, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
Jim Sutherland

Gurinder dhillon (the crook in hoding) says sangat must do 2.5hrs meditation min per day, but you should be repeating the names 247 - why are these names so important to rssb ??? We have already repeatedily said Gurinder Singh dhillon and his nephew jasdeep initiate using 5 satanic names into their satanic cult - the first is jot nirunjan which litterally means light of the devil. So make your new year resolution not to blindly do what so called fake gurus say and see through their false promises. Seek the truth and don't chase beliefs and myths gurinder sell. Make 2025 the year of truth and freedom and joy.

@Kranvir, are you certain Light is the devil?

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

John 9:5

As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

John 1:1-51

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. ...

1 John 1:6-7

If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

2 Corinthians 4:6

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

John 9:1-41

As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” ...

1 John 1:1-10

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us— that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete. This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. ...

John 1:1-5

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Revelation 22:5

And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever.

Jim Sutherland

@Kranvir,….The flame of Light seen at the 3rd eye, by meditation using the Technique we were given at initiation, is the CANDLE of The Lord, not of any devil of Kal.

Just deal with it.

Proverbs 20:27,……….. “The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.”

Jim Sutherland

He thought I wouldn't notice.

"Which brings me to a second story in THE WASHINGTON POST, "For some Latinos, 'prosperity gospel' led them to Trump." I ALSO AM a digital subscriber to this newspaper, so that gift link should be readable by everybody."

A month ago from his political blog "Salem Snark":

"I DITCHED my Washington Post subscription after Bezos tanked a Harris endorsement"


Yes, we all want reliable journalism. I guess he lasted about a month before his jones for antitrump porn got the best of him and he re-subbed to the WP. Either that or he never actually cancelled his Wapo subscription.

...or he had a yearly subscription with several months to go.

Lucifer is the Light being
So the Light is of Lucifier
Lucifier is the Prince of this world , created all by Light

Jyot Naranjan is the first name of Radha Soami cult lead by Gurinder Singh Dhilion meditation
Meaning Jyot (Light) of Naranjan (Devil)
Ask any Radha Soami initiate

Which is the Same

This is the practice of Kaal ( Lucifier)
The Light Bearer, See the Statue of Liberty you get it, or still no Light bulb moment as yet lol

Light is one of HIS Zillion tricks to accumulate Love
The A=432Hz Scale is awesome
- it s not even astral ) there are > 10 000 reports
This is kind of FATIMA
in a modern coat
Cyborgs nagging Pilots but mainly
protect double helix they seeded against Nukes - In all countries concerned

Have Fun

4 JIM:
I biblish words:
In Pinda:

Red drones are fallen Angels- Liking & propose war
live deep underground and under the ocean, Assist Spec Ops
They are very lad but can do face morphingfor say half an hour
White ORBS are Michael s


@Jim the light in those context clearly means those that give understanding/clarity/ knowledge/ to those that are clueless /asleep / hence are in darkness. The enlightenment is The WORD of god, which is the " TRUTH". Where humanity currently is in layers of deception and lies (hence satan's world). They say the truth shall set you free. You don't follow the light or a created person or meditate on light and sound at the third eye , as this is jot nirunjan , the light of the devil. Gurinder Singh dhillon and rssb emphasis light and sound, the shabad, and 3rd eye worship - hich is snake worship, hence kundaluni etc... Ever wandered why Egyptians had snakes coming out of their 3rd eye. Gurinder, the agent of kaal, is leading people furthest away from God, into the belly of the beast, for the price of being worshipped like a god on earth, and given billions.

@Kranvir, ….who has the authority to judge who has the Light that is the Candle of the Lord, which is the spirit in man?

If all Sant Mat Masters have Kal’s light, than , as a Christian, please tell me who’s light Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Jim Bakkar, Jimmy Swaggart , and too many other Christian TV Evangelist Charlatan’s are Desciples of? Satan, Kal, or the Word made flesh of John?

Are you the only discerner of God’s Light that the Master Jesus possessed.

I am not a desciple of Gurinder, so I am not defending him. But I AM a Desciple of Sant Mat Philosophy, which I believe is the same philosophy that Jesus shared with his Apostles, and they shared with many others.

But, with out knowing your back ground, or actual belief system, I am not in a position to argue with you, other than to say that if you study Acts, in the Bible, and recognize the Desciples praying in the “Upper room”, was symbolically, their Foreheads at their 3rd eye,”, where they actually saw “Tongues of Fire” , which is what I and other Sant Mat Initiates see when we are praying in our own Upper rooms. And when they were speaking in tongues”,…..they were audibly chanting the Mantra that their Master had given them? The Sound they heard “Like a mighty rushing wind” , is heard by most Sant Mat Initiates in Meditation, when following the meditation Technique we were given at Initiation.

If you try, and daily practice the “”Meditation for Neophites with out a Master Technique” I shard here, less the Mantra, just try it, using the Christian Mantra , silently repeating,…”Lord Jesus Christ, please forgive me, a sinner. “ if you visualize either the Cross, or any other Christian Symbol of your choice at your 3rd eye, sooner or later, you WILL experience the Light and Sound inside your forehead.

ONLY then, will you have the authority to judge if that Light and Sound in your personal forehead is of Satan, Kal, or The Father who Jesus was the Son of.

Try it for a Tithe of your time for a few months, but I advise if you decide to expedite your progress, you should go Vegetarian and abstain from alcohol and drugs at the very least.

Good Luck, go with God, and report back to us as soon as you sort out the Light and Sound quality you experience after a few months daily practice.

Are you up to the challenge, or do you just prefer cursing the dark rather than lighting the flame in your own head that is hiding from you!

Jim Sutherland

Nothing exists that is not God

Even GROK understood it
and reacted :
"Then Compassion (LOVE) is not a virtue but
the very Pinaccle of Evolution


Beware of the “Islamic Army”, whose plan is to terrorize the U.S. , Israel and Europe .

The America Israel haters need to listen to this Podcast for education.

Highlights are, there are 1000 Islamic Terrorists All trained, RIGHT NOW, to kill as many Americans, Jews, and Europeans as possible, and as soon as possible!!

Conspiracy Theory? Listen and judge, but it’s advisable to stay out of big crowded areas, such as Buerban Street, New Orleans!


Jim Sutherland

Hey Jim, as a very bad learner driver, pick a lane and try to stick to it would be my suggestion.

Either pretend you have had and know about "inner experiences", to "Sach Khand" no less, or pretend you have the faintest idea about politics and culture.

I really don't think you have the wherewithal to maintain both absurd pretences without just embarrassing yourself to anyone paying attention, imo.

Good luck though!

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