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December 06, 2024


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Oh dear, my inbuilt scepticism monitor starts clanging away on reading these excerpts from Doty’s ‘Mind Magic’. I can go along with (in fact it makes sense) that the brain can be stuck in its established prediction processes where it prepares for action based on past experiences, but, with some effort, perhaps through new experiences or engaging in new activities, and really importantly, listening to other’s point of view, our predictions can widen or even change – perhaps for the better.

With regard to Doty’s instance of the lady who, following her illness dropped her job with the Hunger Project, I can only say that something like and illness can perhaps give one a different perspective on life and may well result in a totally different outlook and ensuing life changes.

And Doty’s experience of the man who turned up to pay what he owed to Doty’s father; I have to say that I have more faith in peoples (the debtor) honesty than I have in the power of the universe as to manifesting.

Again, from a purely natural and observational point of view, I don’t see the universe as being separate from us; in fact, it is apparently only our thinking and self-maintaining drives that keeps us feeling separate from ourselves – and each other.

Right. So, it is as it appeared to me, basis my partial reading of Doty’s message. His message per se is good and healthy and affirming and positive; however, the manifestation part is woo. In other words, one would have no issues with his message, if only he were to remove both the manifestation label from it, as well as everything else in his message that that entails.

That specific example you bring up here speaks volumes. Doty’s working away to pay bills. But then someone pops up, and unexpectedly hands him an envelope full of money, enough to pay his bills and rent for the next month or two. And Doty connects these two unrelated events, and claims --- only through implication, but nevertheless the claim is unmistakable --- that his working to pay his bills had somehow and to some extent caused the “serendipity” of that man turning up with the money. …So that, no matter that Doty keeps claiming that he’s not into woo-woo land, but nevertheless woo-woo is exactly what his message is (or at least, what the manifestation part of his message amounts to).


That said, absolutely, his message otherwise, generally, is completely positive, good. And also, I’m struck by the man’s completely transparent sincerity. I don’t know if a book can quite convey that aspect, but if you’d watch that video I’d spoken about, you’d know what I mean. The man seems completely decent, completely honest, and actuated by genuine, deep compassion.

Heh, so that, I found myself loath to doubt his message, when watching that vid! …But of course, that’s nonsense. A claim like this either stands or does not stand, and whether or not one likes the claimant has nothing to do with it!

(Which still leaves one small loose end. The matter of how Doty won back his lost fortune. Was it by using his manifestation message, as Rhonda Byrne had? Or was it basis his practice as surgeon, and his other entrepreneurial ventures, that had already one time made him a many-many-times-multi-millionaire? If the former, then that kind of changes things, for me.)

(But of course, that’s an unimportant detail. Our main concern is the message, not the person. So, no need to drag that detail out, I guess.)


Thanks, Brian!

Thanks for that clear, unequivocal resolution to the issues I’d raised in my last two comments, in the other thread. Appreciate it.

And thanks also for introducing us to Dr Doty’s work. It’s still a great message, if only we leave out the Manifestation woo. And in any case, and regardless of how it did turn out, it was great to be able to learn about and to explore Dr Doty’s work through your posts.

Mind magic a something that Radha Soami Gurinder Singh Dhilion does on the sangat on stage.

He's known for his darshan as he comes on to the stage the first thing he does is looks from the right to the left side at the sangat in an unusual way doing something to everyonr with his eyes and then sits there doing nothing

This is know as mind magic or some say black magic
The sangat is subdued and under an influence to now listen to the satsang and do whatever is said.
This is mind control and then the sangat is under his influence at a later stage and follow him endlessly and do whatever he says.
They get initiation and repeat the 5 evil names which lead to a place called an hell or Radha Soami dham.
Don't be fooled do that research first before following such an evil path headed by Gurinder Singh Dhilion as Radha Soami Cult

If we could gain control over our minds that just raises the question of who is the one controlling the mind?

If it's mind controlling mind that's just children running with scissors.

Whether you have faith in an unknown God or faith in an unknown universe it's still faith in things we don't actually understand or know.

But Doty's kind of ethics-free, morally plastic faith doesn't require submission, forgiveness, or acceptance. It doesn't require loyalty to someone else's will or direction, even the simple acknowledgement that others don't exist to serve our goal, but to connect with for a common and higher purpose that requires we put our desires on the back burner.

There is no integrity or character in it. Just send in your visualized order and let the chef, as yur serveant, bring it to your table.

Yah, I'm pretty sure any version even close to reality doesn't work that way.

Not quite, Spence. …If you wouldn’t mind my sticking my oar in, just a little bit!

Doty’s “teachings” aren’t ethics-free, on the contrary. And they explicitly bring in ideas of forgiveness and acceptance; and submission as well, in as much acceptance, even when things are hard and even when what we’re looking for doesn’t actually materialize, equates to submission.

True, Doty’s teachings don’t *necessarily* require loyalty to someone else’s will or direction; but in what sane world is that a bad thing?

Also, Doty’s message most certainly does not look at others as “exist(ing) to serve our goal”. On the contrary, Doty explicitly and repeatedly talks about “serving” others, to the extent even of taking the focus off of oneself and focusing on serving others.

As for not connecting with “a higher purpose that requires we put our desires on the back burner”: in an everyday sense, when that higher purpose equates to working towards our own deeper desires, or working to serve others, then Doty’s message is explicitly about that; and if you meant that in some ultimate sense, that is beyond self-actuation and beyond simply serving others for the sake of it and not with any higher ends in mind, well then to imagine there’s any such purpose is itself woo, and this brand of woo Doty keeps well away from, which, far from being a bad thing, is a very good thing.

And, far from lacking “integrity and character”, Doty’s message, Doty’s teachings, are filled to the brim with that.


No, what’s wrong with Doty’s message is none of what you criticize. Where Doty misses the mark is where he, firstly, mixes in some pure woo in his message, and, secondly, the part about the manifestation per se. Although Doty labels his message as manifestation, but if only he would (or we would, at our end, when reading him) cut out those two specific things from his message, even then what we’re left with is a (very) great deal of very sound, healthy, positive, affirming teachings and methods and messages.

(Well, bar that bit about whether or not Doty climbed back out of his financial hole, and back into opulent abundance, via the very manifestation message he’s now teaching. If that’s the case, then I agree about the lack of integrity: but even so, for very different reasons than what you talk about here.)


Haha, sorry, Spence, I really shouldn’t have! Old habits!

But I enjoyed reading your exchange with um, very much! And I love that you’re back now, and um’s in full flow as well, just like old times. But I didn’t even think to poke in on that exchange myself, and I really shouldn’t have, here either. Still. I’ve typed this out, and I’ll just click Submit anyway.

Cheers, old friend.

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