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November 26, 2024


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Hard Determinism – The belief that since the creation of the Universe, every event is entirely dependent on previous states, thus entirely predictable(theoretically). Since the Big Bang everything that happened up to now was like a clock mechanism and it will be so in the future. Only one future is possible, there’s no route A or route B. Choices made by humans are an illusion.

Free Will – Free will is the ability to exercise a certain level of control over choices.

Putting aside the debate over which philosophy is correct, I note that one can't subscribe to both philosophies. That is, one can't say hard determinism is true and ALSO say (or imply) that they believe in the exercise of free will (e.g. in goal setting).

This looks like a redo of what Neville Goddard wrote.
As you go to sleep imagine a goal you want to achieve.
Pick a goal any goal. You must have a goal.
Then as you go to sleep imagine /FEEL what it would be like to hear your friend congratulate you/ shake your hand. Hear your wife talk in a animated way ,say how shocked she was at your impossible accomplishment.
Continue this every night until you achieve your goal. However you don't get to choose the day or time this is accomplished.
Some might call this manifestation mumbo jumbo but it is just imagination.
The whole modern world was created by first imaging the goal. Will it fall out of the sky?
Sometimes but my take on it is effort is involved.
I used it recently to Astral Project like Jurgen Ziewe did in his books and videos. Overnight there was results unlike any I've had in a long time.
So give it a shot ,it costs you nothing unlike all the RSSB groups.

Brian you can use the above technique to toss the Donald out of office.
As you go to sleep imagine what it would be like to hear David Muir talking about Trump out of office. Hear your wife crying with joy as feeling is the secret. Then sleep and continue this until your goal is achieved.
I used this technique the last 2 years to get rid of Xi out of office. Now you hear Chinese commentators talking that Xi is finished. I only credit imagination which is God/Jesus inside all of us.
Employ it our not I don't care.

B. J. Fogg: - “Wake up and say it’s going to be a great day” My own morning ritual is to look out of the bedroom window across to the ferry port and take in the – always amazing – colours of the sky and clouds, along with the bird activity in the gardens and roofs - and to notice things as the day goes on.

As Fogg points out: - “I'm sharing a method for wiring in any habit you want. You pick the habits.” That’s seems to be the key, ‘wiring in new habits’, similar to Fieldman-Barrett’s programming the brain to have a more positive future response to situations.

Yes, it’s tempting to evoke free will as in thinking ‘who’ or ‘what’ programmes the brain – but, there is no separate self or entity who does this? The brain simply draws upon its own past experiences and info. When it senses that the rattling sound is the loose coins in your jacket and not some external threat, the next time the noise is heard the brain can predict and experience the sound as just coins.

A simple matter of the brain reprogramming itself from its own store of experience and information. If the information is not there then the brain can only rely on what info it has – which may be quite inappropriate to the new situation.

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