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November 02, 2024


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If my radio doesn't contain an orchestra, how come when I switch it on I can hear a symphony?

Yawn 🥱 wake me up when we get past half baked early 20th century philosophising.

Consciousness, always an interesting topic though don’t think it can take us anywhere – in the sense of agreement as to what the phenomenon is, in spite of the many theories and beliefs. But here goes!

Perhaps a chief part of trying to pin down consciousness is that in our minds we tend to make it into a thing to be studied instead of a process that can be observed just as Dutch neuroscientist Dick swab points out: - “All recent research suggests that the joint activity of enormous numbers of neurons in communication with a number of brain areas provides the foundation for consciousness.”

Similar with the mind: the term mind being as abstract as the term consciousness. Observations, even our naive self-observations can feel or sense the activity in our heads (that we term mind) as it recalls its store of information – which may or not need to be acted upon.
Similarly with the experience of being conscious. It perhaps would be easier if we referred to it as just being aware, an ability common to all creatures. We can then simply relate being aware as the natural processes of the organism, processes that nature has honed and polished with just one aim – to survive and procreate (all for the benefit of our genes.)

Maybe because of our ability to be ultra self-aware (courtesy of our capacity for abstract thinking and concept forming) we have created the illusion of separation between body and mind which inevitably includes a separate self or me that has a thing we call consciousness. To avoid a lot of fruitless research and neuro-study I believe (think) it more fruitful to re-integrate body and mind where the jigsaw puzzle of being conscious all fits together in one glorious whole.

But I guess, as we are generally insecure creatures and fearful of inevitable death, our concept forming minds will probably always feel the need to mold our perfectly natural forms into something akin to being supernatural.

That was interesting, the ultrasound thing. I hadn't known they could do that so very precisely, and so very effectively! Very cool.

I agree with your fruit pulp clearing experience. Won't go into the details of it, but I'd started out in research then, which was very cool, except: we were a lean organization, and the evening/night before the monthly meets, it would fall on us junior analysts to ourselves get ready the many copies of each of the full case documents. It was work that we did through gritted teeth, all of us swearing --- not that we much minded staying up late, we did that most days, but not doing this kind of absurd grunt work. ...And then, one time, I kind of spontaneously happened to channel my mindfulness thing onto this work, and boom! Thereafter, it actually became ...it sounds weird to say this, but I actually enjoyed the work, the rest of that (very late) evening, and every time thereafter that I was junior analyst there, and had to do that thing before the monthlies. ...That subtle shift in attitude, it does make all the difference!

...Heh, manjit does have a point, though. That poking different parts of the brain can affect the effects of consciousness, and its amplitude if you will, that does not necessarily prove that consciousness must necessarily be material. An immaterial consciousness might behave the same, like a TV or radio responding to the volume knob/button. ...On the other hand, nor does the TV analogy mean that consciousness is immaterial, in as much that kind of argument via analogy is fallacious. ...Consciousness is certainly material, absent clear evidence to the contrary, simply basis the burden of proof, simply basis an elementary application of Occam's Razor.

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