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November 20, 2024


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I empathised with this article in the Guardian by Paul Daley. Not quite the Manifest theory of Doty, but quite reflective of my take on how we can choose to live more sanely and sympathetically: -

“A long walk in the mountains last weekend brought sudden perspective to just how heavily the shoutiness and anger was weighing.
Suddenly there was only birdsong, the rustling tree canopies, the gentle burbling of the Snowy River and the wind whispering through the trunks of ancient ghost gums. This was anything but a quiet quietness. But it was the sound of a serenity that only nature can gift – a noise of extreme unplugged-ness if you like.
In recent years, probably since the pandemic lockdowns, I’ve been a big advocate of walking with my own silence. That is, while being unconnected to the cybersphere. So, no news or music or even audiobooks or phone calls. My rhythmic breath and the dogs’ panting a beat along with their padding paws beside me, the cawing gulls and, of course, the sounds of my environment – aircraft, ferry horns, traffic, people talking.
It is an urban soundtrack of never pristine silence. But in it I could always salvage catharsis, an elusive calm, a restorative balm for an occasionally anxious mind that is easily drawn to the pain of others of which, distressingly, there’s no global shortfall.
This was intensive thinking time. Sometimes it was even non-thinking time. I often found I could walk for an hour-and-a-half in a state of tuned-out meditative stasis, reaching home with a sense of emotional and creative renewal after which I’d sometimes have to remind myself of the route taken.”

Without going into the free will sidebar, and focusing just on Doty’s manifestation thing:

I just now read your current post, and re-read your two previous posts. Your full set, so far, Brian, on the manifestation thing. And I’m afraid I don’t quite get how he actually gets to the manifestation part per se.

It is completely clear so far, in fact you’d made it very clear in your first post itself, that this isn’t some Rhonda Byrnes level nonsense.

But, while it isn’t that; and while his relaxation and mindfulness exercises are perfectly fine in and of themselves: but I’m not sure how they take one to actually “manifesting” anything.

(I realize you’ve only read, and reviewed, just the first portion of the book so far. No doubt all will be revealed by the end of it! …I’ll look forward to finding out, from your further posts, who it was that killed the scandalously undressed young lady whose body lies in the library, and how they did it.)


Meantime, I looked around online myself, a bit, about Dr Doty’s manifestation idea, and came across this interview of his, that, the interviewer lady promises, will clearly explain his methods. Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-wONyk3RV0

It’s around 1 hour and 15 minutes. I’ve listened to around 45 minutes of it so far. And it’s interesting, very much so, and completely reasonable. But again, so far I still don’t see how the manifestation actually happens. Still another half hour to go, so I mustn’t be impatient. (I’ll watch the rest of it later, when I have time.)

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