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October 09, 2024


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Hines’ miscomprehensions, misrepresentations and misunderstandings
Hines: ”I disagree that all faiths have common ties to the Creator, God. That's the RSSB party line, but it goes against the obvious major differences between religions”.
RS: Regardless of whether Brian or anyone agrees or ”disagrees”, there defintely does exist a rather obvious logical conclusion of the ’God’ premise. And despite Brian’s ”disagreement”, It IS that all religions or ’faiths’ that predicate their belief-system upon there being one Supreme Being from which all phenomena originates, naturally can ONLY originate and exist within that Supreme Being’s plan, will, purpose, hukm, mauj, whatever you choose to call that.
That religions have ”differences” does not detract from that rather obvious conclusion.
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Hines: While I'm no expert on the world's theologies, I'm confident that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam don't share with RSSB the goal of what amounts to soul travel -- rising to supernatural realms of creation through several hours of meditation each day under the guidance of a guru who is considered to be God in Human Form. 
RS: Actually, all three named religions DEFINITELY DO have centuries long traditions and techniques which are still practiced today for what can be called ’soul travel’. And all of the three DO have adepts sharing estoric teachings which advocate hours of silent, solitary prayer/contemplation/meditation under the guidance of spiritual superiors. Mohammed himself and Sufi Saints within Islam. Melchisidek, Enoch and Jesus (Yeheshua) are examples of that within ancient Judaism and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of the Chabad-Lubavitch is a more recent example.
Christianity has numerous saintly personages who experienced and dissolved their little self-identity in God: Meister Eckhart, JakobBoehme, Teresa of Avila, etc., etc. All of these also accepted and taught ’disciples’. Teresa of Avila’s experiences we know about in detail as she was forced to write about them by her confessors, so we know she had a spiritual Master, the canonised Saint Peter of Alcántara, whom she saw in a radiant form within during mediation.
I feel sure Pope Francis knows the above to be true.
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Hines: Regarding "living in His will," RSSB teaches that it is a sin to eat meat, fish, or eggs and to consume alcohol. This definitely is at odds with the precepts of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. So is the notion that initiation by a Perfect Living Master, which Dhillon and Gill supposedly are, is essential to return to God.
RS: It definitely is NOT ”at odds” with the orginal teachings of Jesus and ’christianity’, nor of Mohammed and ’islam/surrender’ nor the Hebrew Prophets and Judaism. They each of scriptures advising a meat-free lifestyle that avoids intoxicants. Evidence of that can be easily provide if required.
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Hines: Dhillon is wrong. I defy anyone to show convincing evidence that Catholicism teaches the Indian notion of shabd, basically all-pervading conscious energy that manifests as divine sound and light, is how creation came into being and continues to be sustained. 
RS: That can very easily be done. Not only with Christianity but also with Judaism and Islam. As here with the the Judaic de-VAR or bid'VAR  or Word (e.g. Psalms 33:6 http://biblehub.com/lexicon/psalms/33-6.htm “By the word of God the heavens were established; and all the power of them by the breath of his mouth".
Later Jewish hellenised philosphers/mystics used the greek word Logos, to refer to this divine primal principle, e.g. here by Philo:
"the logos of the living deity is the bond of everything, holding all things together, binding all the parts, and prevents them from being dissolved and separated"
- Philo of Alexandria, De Profugis.
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The ancient Greek philosophers also realised and taught the Logos or Divine Word which created everything and still sustains it, e.g Heraclitus born in 535 BC teaching: "all things come to be in accordance with this logos".)
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Then there is the Islamic principle of Kun which is Allah's command 'be'!, e.g. "When He decrees a thing, He says to it only: 'be' and it is." Koran. Surah Baqrah 2:117) also referred to as kalimat Allāh ("Word of God"). There is more of thecsame in Islamic Sufi teachings.
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And finally there is the Christian principle of Word / Logos, e.g. "The universe was created by the Word of God." Hebrews 11:3.
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Hines: Again, I realize that RSSB interprets the "Word" in the Bible as meaning shabd. However, this is an attempt by RSSB to claim that the teachings of RSSB are the foundation of every world religion, even if those religions don't know this to be true.
RS: It isn’t an ”attempt” by just RSSB. 😮🤦‍♂️
What a peculiarly myopic view of the centuries long tradition of transmission of spiritual teachings in every culture and continent.

Hines: In my current view, which is different from what I believed during most of the 35 years I was an active member of RSSB, each religion is entitled to determine what its teachings consist of. 
RS. Yes, of course ”each religion is entitled to determine what its teachings consist of”. Also each religion is entitled and permitted to distort and deviate from the teachings of its founders.
. . . . . . . .

RSSB doesn't have the right to tell Catholicism, or any other religion, what its teachings are.
RS: of course it does. Just as Brian has the ”right” to do the same. I detect a rather colossal blind-spot and rather arrogant hypocisy at work in that statement. As Brian has been pretty much doing that constantly for nearly two decades.

Hines: I'm virtually 100% certain that mainstream Christianity, Judaism, and Islam don't consider that their ultimate goal "is to be one with the Creator." In fact, this would be blasphemy for those religions, since they don't share RSSB's belief that humans can unite with God. Their goal is worship of God, not union.
RS: Read some Sufi writings. Learn what ’fana’ means for them. It refers to the dissolution of nafs or ’ego’ leading to the realisation of the fundamental unity of Divinity (Allah), his creation, and the individual self.
Read some of the Christian gnostic literature. Or read the sermons of Meister Eckhart and Jakob Boehme.
. . . . . . . .

Hines: It sounds to me like the Pope, courteous guy that he is, sidestepped the obvious fact that RSSB and Catholicism have very different theologies, focusing instead on the uncontroversial notion of unity among all people. After all, every person shares in our common humanity. The Pope's statement wasn't at all mystical, but practical, calling for harmony among nations and their citizens.
RS: I feel sure Pope Francis ALSO recognised that RSSB and Catholocidm definitely DO share many theological points of unanimity.
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RSSB: The Holy Father Pope Francis requested Baba Ji to pray for him as he would in turn pray for Baba Ji.
Hines: I guess the Pope wasn't aware that Dhillon, Baba Ji, is considered to be God in Human Form, so he's the one people pray to.
RS: GSD for decades has routinely ended meetings by bowing to the assembled and asking (praying) ”may God bless you”.
Brian appears to be under the common missapprehension of disgruntled ex-satsangis that a Saint or God-realised person alone is GiHF. The premise is that EVERY human is. The premise is that the entire creation is God in physical form.

From a guy barely wanting to be on camera, to a full on publicized world tour. I'm proud of GSD.

Jesus was an Essene as Pope Benedict who was an accomplished theologian himself confirmed during his Easter Homily, explaining there was no way Jesus would have been eating lamb at the Last Supper.
The Eucharist was celebrated with water, not wine. The Catholic Church introduced wine contrary to the otiginal teachings.
The Essenes were strict vegetarians and never touched alcohol. Their secret initiation was Sound and Light coupled with observence of the breath combined with mantra.
Pythagoras was initiated into the Essene meditation at Mount Carmel. He only drank water and was a strict vegetarian as were his followers.
Whether Pope Benedict is even remotely interested is very doubtful as he is not even a vegetarian which he should be, given his chosen name, Francis, after Saint Francis of Assisi.

@ Raw Vegan

What about our brothers and sisters living on places of earth where no agriculture is possible?

The rain forests, the desserts, the artics?

Are they all going to your hell?

The RSSB gurus up to Charan Singh were adamant that there's no salvation without following the path of light and sound. Try to find an exception to that in an RSSB book.

But in at least one of his videos, Gurinder states "I'm not one of those Babas who says his religion is the only effective religion...though Sant mat does have an _advantage_ of its emphasis on the light and sound." (Not an exact quote, but very close)

It seems like Gurinder is blatantly contradicting established RSSB theology, unambiguously stated in every RSSB book right back to Sar Bachan, that there's NO salvation outside of the light and sound Path of the Masters. What a 180 from basic RSSB orthodoxy. Gurinder made this statement with typical gusto, as if all his predecessors taught the same thing. But they did not. Charan Singh most certainly did not.

Then again, we have Charan's comments on Eckankar. After learning that Eckankar had plagiarized countless passages from RSSB books, and in diverse ways had corrupted Sant mat teachings (as well the Silk religion -- Ik Ong Kar, what a cultural appropriation that was!) Instead of suing or at least making a statement of reproval about this, Charan said, "Oh well, if our books appear in their books it may be promoting positive ideas to the public." (Again, not an exact quote, but words to that effect.)

Charan's apparent magnanimity and liberalism strike me as curious, doubly so when considering Charan's clear disapprobation of Kirpal Singh's guru apostolate. Several RSSB books published during Charan's reign mention Kirpal as a false guru. And yet, Kirpal's teachings were far closer to RSSB's than were Eckankar's, which held that traditional Sant mat was a dead religion, that it was OK to eat meat, etc. So much for the value of light and sound teachings outside of RSSB (or in Kirpal's case, outside of Ruhani Satsang) when two Gurus despised each other.

What I think is that Charan, ever the pragmatist, decided it would be bad form to get into a pissing match with Eckankar over its intellectual theft. But Kirpal Singh's case was different, in that he claimed to be Beas' true successor. And so Kirpal got sued and the Eck Masters got off scot free.

Fun Guru politics aside, we definitely are seeing a growing liberalization in all religions. What to make of it?

As historian Will Durant observed, "Tolerance increases when faith declines." Religions that started out fully triumphalist and parochial -- like Catholicism and RSSB -- have now modified and liberally broadened their stance on who may be saved. Salus extra ecclesiam est all around. Unless you live in certain parts of the ME or Africa that is. One can say this tolerance, coming as it must with a decrease in faith, is a good thing. Few really pine of the days of burnings at the stake.

But by the same token, there's something undeniable wrong and dishonest with this new religious liberalism. A satsangi might say, "Hey, I took initiation into this thing because you promised me it was the only way to salvation. I did what you asked for 40 years. And now you're telling me RSSB is not the only way?"

@ Sant64

The late MCS used to say tha nobody is allowed to go that far astray that he cannot be brought back to the path.

If one lifts, this way of thing out of the particular issue tha was at hand, it can be used for what you are presenting here.

Sant mat having its roots into Hinduism, is averse to any form of mission into the world but it has to be available and in order to be available it has to speak the language of the time.

Remember what is written in the bible about this presence in the world.

In my opinion, ever since the advent of the teachings in Agra and even before, nothing has changed but the way it was presented to the public ..it is a form of adaptation without change.

There are so many things I have discussed with friends telling that Grinder changed the teachings that if they would delve a little deeper in what the late MCS had said they would find the same.

The late MCS time and again when questioned about the use of words from the Bible and christ, would stress that his western audience had an christian background and if he wanted to make them understand he HAD to use THEIR concepts.... he was the mentor of MGS and it is unthinkable that that mentor ship was without effect ... hgahahaha.

Kirpal didn't get sued because he was a rival guru. No he got sued because he apparently made defamatory remarks about how the gaddi was passed via money and intrigue.

Kirpal then gave a formal written apology for it.

Kirpal and Charan actually got together when the new Namdhari guru was appointed, as can be seen in several photographs.

No gurus/Popes needed. This youtube video sums up the work of Jurgen Ziewe.

Every Day is the first day of an infinite future
Happy Birthday Brian!

My hell, Um? Why is it my hell and not yours? You mentioned it, not me. Am not talking about hell, I was talking about the Essene teachings. Your question relates to any religion, why single vegetarianism out? Ask God. Am not not a Guru.
If you want my opinion, I can only confuse you further. Maharaj Charan Singh stated that primitive tribes with no education were often nearer to God than the highly educated, intellectual 'civilised' world. I agree.

@ Raw vegan

Well, if you listened that good to the late MCS, you must also have noticed that at times his answers, at the surface, were not at all related to the question asked.

If you feel you need to confuse others, be my guest.

My dear Um, I answered your question and now you have changed the subject. The same question you ask was posed to Mrs Wood, who was Great Master's direct disciple and the Representative for UK, she explained that Maharaj Charan Singh limited himself to normal boundaries in this, English was not his first language, if he chose to, he could understand everything and respond likewise but Saints do not like to display supernatural powers, I can assure Maharaj Charan Singh had a full arsenal and could know what was going on even when not physically present. Those who deny the reach of the Saints can't see very far, that's all.

@ Raw vegan

My initial remark was in[directly] related to your statements about the Essene teachings.
The rest was just repetition to draw your attention.

What you write about supernatural powers is up to you and Mrs Woods, they have no meaning for me.. Even without these supposed powers he was able to give this type of answers ...

"Dhillon, referred to as Baba Ji, is wrong. I defy anyone to show convincing evidence that Catholicism teaches the Indian notion of shabd, basically all-pervading conscious energy that manifests as divine sound and light, is how creation came into being and continues to be sustained."

Strictly speaking, I'm not even sure that Sikhs would agree with RSSB's doctrine of shabd. I've always disagreed with the various sant mat sects triumphalist efforts to portray all religions as shabd oriented. They point to biblical verses like "if thy eye be single thy whole body shall but full of light" as evidence that Jesus and early Christian practiced shabd meditation. Or that Christian churches have bells because it's a remnant of the shabd bell sound. It's all so very historically ridiculous.

"RSSB doesn't have the right to tell Catholicism, or any other religion, what its teachings are. I'm virtually 100% certain that mainstream Christianity, Judaism, and Islam don't consider that their ultimate goal "is to be one with the Creator." In fact, this would be blasphemy for those religions, since they don't share RSSB's belief that humans can unite with God. Their goal is worship of God, not union."

Strictly speaking also true. But then again, one can argue that all religions are triumphalist and doctrinally exclusive in the same way that RSSB is. Just as there's no such thing as an inclusive political party, there's no such thing as a fully inclusive religion. One might point to Hinduism as the exception, but consider that it's virtually impossible to convert to orthodox Hinduism -- the only true Hindus are born into that faith. Also, Hinduism holds Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu, which seems very egalitarian...until one learns that it views Buddha as an atheist demon.

As for RSSB's theology, my view is that it's never really been defined. I don't agree that RSSB teaches that the goal is a monistic union with God. I find RSSB's theology to be extremely nebulous. If the God of RSSB is "shabd," what does that even mean, experientially? Satsangis are told the purpose of the path is to "go back to the Father." Charan said he looked forward to death because they he would "be with Sawan." Or is the destiny Sach Khand, and what does that mean, precisely? God, heaven and spiritual destiny are all very vague in RSSB. But the same is true for all religions. Everyone has the faith or intuition that upon death it will all work out somehow for the best. Perhaps they're right, but the lack of clarity on the undiscovered country is undeniable.

Gurinder singh dhillon and his side kick jasdeep readily accept anyone, from any religion, into their RSSB parasitic cult. They are obviously trying to get Catholics into the rssb cult, most likely mastermind idea by the business strategist Jasdeep. Incidently if all religions lead to god, then why has gurinder and his trainee got a turban and look like Sikhs? Also why does a so called perfect guru need to visit the Pope to begin with? its obviously a publicity stunt for the benefit of only one person - dhillon and his family. If you do some research you will see that the pope is looking to make a one world religion , and gurinders ego is looking to fill the seat of the the big boss on top. Gurinder, the crook, wants to rule the world. He is nothing but the puppet of his master - lucifer , the light bringer - which gurinder calls the shabad , the light and sound . Gurinder your plan is exposed, and you will have to pay for the karma for the suffering you have caused on innocent souls. Your days are numbered

It’s always a good thing when spiritual leaders of differing faiths come together to try and find common ground.

MST shot religions of the world have had their own sect of mystics. Mysticism isn’t mainstream but it is universal.

Kudos to Dhillon and Gill for trying to bridge the gap. The world is only improved when we come together and stop seeing ourselves as separate. I’m not an RSSB satsangi but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that we see the commonality all people share on this journey through life and work towards unity.

“MAT shot” I think is supposed to be most major religions… 😅

Sorry, my vision is failing me in my old age and I don’t catch as many typos from the mobile webpage version.

Which reminds me, we are ALL getting much older—shouldn’t we be more focused on the hereafter than what public figures are doing?

Your soul gets really active the last few days of your life. If you’ve suppressed the notion of having a soul, I can assure you it wakes up regardless when you’re dying.

You need to know where you’re going. Don’t wait till the last week of your life to try and figure that out. Waiting till the last minute typically doesn’t lead to the most peaceful transition. That said, it doesn’t mean death will be unpleasant but the last days of your life will be unsettling.

@ Gina

Interest in the after life is an urge, that not all people have.

What I experience during the process of those near and dear to me is that some have more problems of letting than others, especially those with an "caring" nature.


There is that sense of responsibility one feels towards their loved ones that often keeps pulling us back.

@ Gina

That is what I meant. and what mate the late mother of our children linger longer than necessary.

Just when you think you've seen it all, GURINDER SINGH DHILLON the Radha Soami clown surprises us all again

So what have we here Gurinder?

The one and only god man Gurinder as he says cleverly on stage about himself is going to see the real God man and it shows too Gurinder is bowing down to him cleverly in respect as the lower one?

That shows where Gurinders place is.

Now Gurinder is trying to spread his dirty cronavirus like cult Radha Soami to all and his useless plan is this, hope the Pope binned all the bias baseless books in the bin where they and Gurinder belong.

Rssb has nothing in common at all with a real faith like Christianity. Gurinder and rssb are about lies, deception, land Stealing, money Stealing, Tax fraud, womanising, murderous motives and the evil meditation that they give naam daan which consists of the 5 names of the devil.

The only real path to Hell is what Gurinders about and he's trying to pass his stench around .

The perfect living fraud masters which Gurinder and Jassdeep are and they know this to. But the perks of this world outway the righteousness of God so they both have sold out. $$$

God in human form ? what both of them Now? Or do we wait for Gurinder to do one?

The endless lies, theses Baba have nothing to do with God or a real faith like Christianity.

It's all about personal selfishness and power, greed and to enjoy the Devils playground and to take the souls back to him by lying to us all

Don't follow this evil path without research and knowledge as not 1 satsangi has ever seen or heard God ever on this path. So what is Gurinder preaching on stage? Pure Crap, abunch of lies weaved together from all religions but nothing of his own enlightenment or experiences.

Blind following the Blind

Word and Shabad are the two aspects of the devil (kaal) who misleads the world by giving them inner visions and sounds of the inner realms which he has Created the same way as he has created this world.

You will never get out of his play down here on earth or up there in the inner realms. He recycles the souls and calls it karma and gives you a life according to theses.

God resides out of this play and never teaches anyone to meditate as there is no way we can get back to him, but only he can do this.There is nothing to do he only has to WILL it.

So the teachings of Christianity are somewhat right but Gurinders are a pack of Radha Soami lies.

Blasphemy Baba of Beas Gurinder Singh Dhilion he's up to his neck in it, he can't help himself let alone anyone else

Judgment day is knocking upon Gurinders door, rumour has it he's still in hiding.

But God will, see to you soon.

I actually like the way Dhillon continues acting as chief guru with Gill as the guru-in-training. Having two gurus at the same time should shake people up a bit and hopefully get them to stop thinking the masters are GIHFs.

The whole GIHF concept is a bit primitive. God is in everyone—just more easily recognizable in some than others.

I take it that I am now fully vindicated in my theory that Maharaj Charan Singh, with no worthy successor, appointed a manager to run the institution of the RSSB.…into the ground! I will not rehearse all I have written before on this but just to add that another good reason to end this overblown elephant was the enforcing on the Dera Hospital by Government of India a ruling to supply abortion on demand.

For Globalist Gurinder to literally shake hands with the devil in the Vatican is imo, absolute and solid proof that in the immortal words of Monty Python’s movie ‘Life Of Brian’ “He is not the Messiah, he is a very naughty boy!”

Yes, Shabd was known and practised in the early church, along with the vegetarian diet, but even before the priestly class sold out the faith along with the diet to Emperor Constantine in return for international power and status, the Shabd had long gone out of the window. With the exception of RSSB who are stuck with it for now, all spiritual paths ditch the sound as soon as possible after their founder’s passing away. They do so simply because it is the most unattainable aspect of the path for a very long period of practice as practically all of us who have been initiated know from experience.

If the big shots at the top don’t have it then in order to maintain their status as the holiest of the holy they simply dump it and concentrate on what they can actually grasp, which is the shell of the teachings. Up until the deliberate and planned and wildly successful infiltration of the Catholic church by Jews, freemasons, Communists, Homosexuals and paedophiles which led to the Second Vatican Council, a turning point from the old faith to anti-mystical Marxist humanism called by a philosemitic pope John XXIII, there was a beautiful prayer, a remnant as it were of times long, long past, in the old mass. It read “Lord I am not worthy that thou should enter into my spirit, but say only the Word and my soul shall be healed.” This was altered into the new mass to “say only the word and I (egoself) shall be healed” at which point the last reference to the Shabd left the church.

It is such a fate that may well fall to RSSB when the teachings become unbearable to the Novus Ordem that surely comes to the end of truth in any path. In his homily given on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul on June 29, 1972, Pope Paul VI, around whom the church was falling like a stone from sanctifying grace, made the famous remark, “The smoke of Satan has entered the Vatican.” The lowest form that Kal takes, the form of Satan, the embodiment of the five passions mc2, the lowest stinking ruler of hell, which is unknown in Indian philosophy but well aquatinted to the West, now rules Rome.

As a parallel to the loss long ago of Shabd in the Catholic Church look only to the relativly modern faith of Sikhism. Go to Amritsar, enter the Golden Temple, reach the Hari Mandir and ask the Granthi who is reading Kirtan "I wish to attain the Shabd, what do I do?" And without blinking he will respond "Buy a Harmonium!"

@ Chiro

I am surprised about how much people the like of kranvir, Trez and now even you, know about Kal, satan and the disembowelment thereof.

My grandmother, peace be upon her soul, of she had one, repeatedly warned me not "to sell my soul to "moenen" the devil". Moenen being an Flemish word for the devil, dating back to the middle ages. The warning scared and haunted me the rest of my life without knowing what the warning was .. or ...knowing how to write these words, knowing more or less how they are used in culture, by priests, writers, artists etc but personalty having the slightest idea or experience of what these words refer to.

Do you have that knowledge Chiro, based on personal experience etd that allows you to make these statements on your fellow human beings ..be they pope or otherwise

@ Chiro

disembowelment = embodiment
Tipo / automated reaction of the PC corrector

In general:

In older days, in the theaters of Greece and Rome the actors would hold up a mask on a stick when speaking to the audience and in doing so the made it appear to the public that this or that deity etc was speaking to them.

Today these masks are the faces of scientists, mystics, politicians, writers, behind which people hide there personal opinions, their believes, their emotions and thoughts and in doing so they attribute more meaning and value to them than their words actually deserve.

Well said Chiro!
The Emperors Justinian and Constantine demolished the teachings.
The Second Vatican Council was indeed the death blow.
Malachi Martin wrote in depth about the, Smoke of Satan, in the Vatican.
I liked your, 'Buy a Harmonian' line.

God is within each and every one of us. The devil (A.K.A., the ego) is alive and well in each of us too. There is nothing outside of yourself.

You choose which voice you listen too. That’s all the free will you have. Don’t waste it.

I work in hospice home health. It’s great to have so much one on one time with these patients and it’s taught me a lot. Those who can afford the home healthcare are financially well off, but they are the same as everyone else when it comes to end of life worries and concerns. Don’t wait till it’s too late.

@ Gina

Who or what wants to survive?

If a person believes that there is something that can or should survive, naturally it matters what one thinks about the hereafter.


I just made an inquiry regarding the answer to your somewhat rhetorical question and the answer given was:

“You can never be alone because the Source of all life goes with you wherever you go.”

@ Gina


Gina, what i know from childhood on is that
- I am alive.
- have no knowledge of how I came to be alive
- whether there is a cause or not

The rest what I came to know, and did my best to digest in vain, is nothing but hearsay, making myself believe things to understand that I do not,

Being alive means being alone alive.
Yes I do understand that what ios alive in me is alive in everything
What it is I just do not know and I cannot separate myself from it.

I use that aliveness to keep myself alive and even that on closer examination can hardly be owned by a "me"

As I did not brought myself to live , I will not dy.
What was before my birth and what will be after I have no idea and there is nothing in me that longs to know that.

What I wish for myself and others is to have the body give up in peace and without pain

When I look out the window and stare at the crows I wonder ..what the heck is he doing here ..that too is more or les an rethoric question ..and I differ nor from that tree, that crow or whatever

Humans are able to attribute meaning and value to what they experiences that is a process of ongoing change, what doesn't give any answer about the reality of THAT what meaning and value is attribute to.

Call it ignorance, label it as nihilism, autism or whatever it doesn't change anything.
I knew this all at the age of 3
I have done my best to understand and to own whatever was around in offering answers, lifting veils etc etc.
It was a long and complicated voyage that has ended a couple of years ago when I woke up in the cinema of life.

Again I do accept that there are fellow human beings having all sorts of inner experiences and I can also see what it does to them but that doesn't make them real, real in the sense of necessity for all to have.

What else can I say???

When a wise man speaks, I am inspired.

When an ignorant man speaks I’m amazed.

And that’s the world we live in…

Guess which one gets more clicks.


@ Gina

I have no Idea.

Just before you posted this answer, I was thinking of you and what came up in my mind was this:

Walking in nature, i see the trees and the animals and realize that they are all equipped to live their lives to the fill. Imagine how cruel it would be that they had to depend on others for their welfare.

Human beings are also part of nature, like the hawthorn before my window and the magpies, the doves and the crows that eats its berries. There is no reason to believe, think that humans are an exception to that rules ... being .. that they are able to live on their own without divine intervention, or others telling them what it is to be human.

I have no idea what it is all about, not about the universe, not about my surroundings not even about myself.

Daily I have to deal with what I experience and make the best of ot whatever that might be.

Vaguely it pains me that I have digested so much information during life that has no reflexion in my personal experience.

Before 1970 nobody had heard in my world of eastern thought, meditation etyc. sometime I think it would have been better that I had not drunk of that cup.

If there is a creator Gina, and he has other plans than just being alive he should have made that clear to each and every newborn human.

You see I have come to know about many that spoke in the name of the divine. For some it was just an personal experience that changed their lives, for others it came with a message and some were ördered" to teach ..these were ALL stand alone experiences and the same powers THEY say that ordered them to write books, claim land or to teach people ..THAT same power if it exists beyond THEM, that power failded to instruc the rest of humanity to heed the prophet etc words.

I am NOT denying the truth and the honesty of those that have these experiences, I just want to draw the attention to a simple fact ..and as a clear example ... only Abraham was informed by his divine source that his tribe was allotted what is now Israel and that his tribe were the chosen children of the divine. THAT power, if it exists beyond Abraham, failed or forgot to inform the rest of the world .. have a look to what the consequence were ever since until this very day.

What about That inquiry?

Gurinder singh dhillon is clueless, and has no personal insite or experience to share and inspire anyone. What's more is that he is a self proclaimed god in human form , with no evidence - how can anyone accept a singh in a white robe implying he is the saviour of humanity, lol. His path is literally made up as you go along, ideologies which is plagerised from other religious scriptures, which he then manipulates to worshipping a living master and so called shabad. The shabad he talks about is nothing but the light and sound of lucifer, and the meditation he teaches are paths to his master and lord who is the demonic lucifer. As for who the pope worships (the Catholics living master) , he has paintings of Lucifer in the Vatican. We hear stories of peodophilia , and demonic possesion and it isn't surprising why he and gurinder singh dhillon have so much in common. This meeting is not surprising as the fake ass baba has an attraction for crooks , politicians, and Bollywood stars who are especially chosen to benefit gurinder and his family and the expansion of satanic rssb cult. We are at an age where truths are coming to the light , and where for gurinder and his accomplacies, theres no where to hide- it's game over !!! Time to face your karma.

Today there is so much said about Masters, Elder Brothers, Adepts and initiates that numberless truth seekers are being constantly misled by seeking these false lights.

For a price, most of these pseudo-teachers offer their students initiation into the mysteries, promising them guidance and direction. Man’s weakness for leaders, as well as his worship of idols, makes him an easy prey of these schools and teachers. Good will come to most of these enrolled students; they will discover after years of awaiting and sacrificing that they were following a mirage.

They will then become disillusioned in their schools and teachers, and this disappointment will be worth the effort and price they have paid for their fruitless search.

They will then turn from their worship of man and in so doing discover that which they are seeking is not to be found in another, for the Kingdom of Heaven is within.

This realization will be their first real initiation.

The lesson learned will be this:

There is only one Master and this Master is God, the I AM within themselves.

“I AM the Lord thy God who led thee out of the land of darkness; out of the house of bondage.”

I AM, your awareness, is Lord and Master and besides your awareness there is neither Lord nor Master. You are Master of all that you will ever be aware of being.


You have the heart of a poet and a mystic.

Nature provides all the entertainment we need in this world. Beyond food and shelter what more do we really need?

I don’t believe that every little “god” has necessarily acted in the interest of the Spirit. There are so many so called gods. Very few have proven to be truly benevolent and wholly loving.

Some things in the Bible are true and some things are simply not helpful at all. It was a group of men who decided which things to include and which to leave out. Naturally they chose the things that furthered their personal agendas.

Yes, the western world with all of its arrogance and material lust has eroded the fabric of society by prioritizing individualism over family values and materialism over community involvement.

Of course, I’m a very loyal person and this is my family’s home—it has treated me well and I’m grateful for that. But I can definitely appreciate your point of view.

It’s the little things… music, poetry, coffee, friends, spending time in nature… It’s the little things that give us joy and help us grow. It’s the “little” things that bring peace.

Every now and then Elon Musk makes a very astute observation. He once said in an interview that the gods of the Old Testament and New Testament are like two totally different people. 😂

So true… so very true.

You might see that played out in various world religions.


A friend sent me this today and it made me think of you.
😂 🦜

Don’t take life toooo seriously.

@ Gina

If there was a [hidden} message Gina, I did not get it.
Maybe that will make your pleasure even more deeper.

@ Gina

Maybe it would be an idea Gina to tell those in the hospice that are pondering over their life and over the life hereafter that they should not take it that serious.

Gurinder Singh Dhillon even did the kissing of the popes hand by bowing down in the bow of shame. Video all over tik tok

So too did the other two nut jobs Jassdeep new fake Baba and Gurinders old son, looks it too.

Exposure leaves Gurinder naked for all of us to see now and have a good laugh at him at what he really is and was all of yhe time


Like all the other well named ones some rotting in jail to this very day.

But Gurinder thinks he got away with it, little does he know. God is coming to get ya

No hidden messages here! I’m not that clever or complicated anymore. 😅

And, yes, I do tell the people in hospice not to worry. Not in those words but that’s the message. At that stage, there’s no point in sharing anything but love.

I started on X some years ago once a week
asking @PONTIFEX to reinstall the Meatless Friday.
At half I limited to PROMOTING it,
later to express sympathy,
each time when he asked per tweet to pray against war.

Look the video again in very slow motion.
Pope Francis looked like the disciples after initiation or during Darshan

Sound cirrent is what CERN is searchng for as The GOD Frequency ( Particle )
Somebody tell them to search the A=432Hz Scale

Holy Grail, Holy Ghost , Elixer, Shabad, Dhun, Akashvani, Kalma, Kun, Bangillahi, Nad-i-Asmani or the Logos, Onkar, AUM

At 87 I confess that all RS is true producing ETERNAL LOVE

GSD is right when stating REGIONS is just a name
SK and 7th Heaven are States of Consciousness from dirty to ultra pure
and each Soul ( even a tree ) has the Q.E. power to create his universe, her environment instantly
Each Soul , Brian included is
not a Drop of the Ocean,
but the total Eternal OmniPotent Almighty
who decided temporarily be in Hyper Amnesia

It explains also FREE WILL


@ 777

Let me remind you and others on this beautiful autumn day that only Abraham had a vision in which an authority appeared to allowed him to occupy what is now known as Israeli, that it would be forever their heritage, and that his tribe were the beloved and chosen people.

Let me also state here again, That I do believe that this is or is possible an historic event, that i do not stand in any need too have this proven.

I also believe that the content of that vision is more or less correct how it has arrived to us these days

So far so good.

There is however a problem ....If there is a creator, he created ALL of the universe and according genesis to his own pleasure he was pleased with what he created and nowhere mentioned that he had more pleasure in this or that aspect of his creation.

Against that background it is "strange"to say the least that he did not inform all the other people that he created that he changed his mind, not to the people, not to its worldly and spiritual leaders, not in the middle east, not in the america's or any other place in the world ..to nobody bu Abraham

Let this sink for a moment and ask your self if that is a normal, kind or lovable wauy of action. Even humans would consider this as bad behavior of a father against his offspring what to say about the creator of love.

In the same way 777 that what you received in terms of love, understanding etc is alright but that same god that gave you that gift could have given it to all and like with abraham, he didn't ..

The point is not that this benevolent lord gave what is his to Abraham and you but that he failed to inform the rest let alone deprived them vrom what he could have given to all

So enjoy what you have until the end of your days but do not suggest directly or indirectly that others could or should have the same......

When I"m stating : God is 1000% in U UM
I mean also

Any complains >> GO INSIDE and correct it
Use your Q E Power

All Souls are EQUAL
There is no favourite kind nor place
What we have = TIME

Now N explosions do not work antmore
on this planet, this is a game changer


It is not a matter of complaining .. I was addressing you and what you do..

You come here with a message.
You do it in the same way as Abraham did. and all the others after him.

I am just stating, that the reality Abraham spoke of and all the others after him and you too, remains restricted to them and them alone.

That makes that reality, questionable for others ... irrespective the high quality of the reality as described and experienced by them.

You see 777 I am not questioning the content of your experiences and the value and meaning you attribute to it. It is clear that this reality that you experience makes you happy ...but your happiness is of no use for others.

You are actually saying that YOU created that reality in yourself and because you are convinced that YOU were the creator, others could do the same ...listening to 432HZ would be one of the the tricks

In fact you created your own Path and you are its founding saint, guru or whatever.

Again what I try to put before you is NOT what happened to Abraham or you, NOR the content of his experience or yours, but what Abraham and you DO with that content in this world

I guess Gurinder Singh Dhilion is making the most of his pension retirement funds stolen from the sevas money.

Traveling having fully paid holidays for himself and his dogy side kicks.

Visiting the Pope and I wander who's next?
Biden? Maybe trump?

This fake and fraud Baba is willing to do anything even though he's lost face worldwide now because of being exposed as a ram rahim of sorts.

But that doesn't stop this fakester Gurinder to carry on idoitly with his bent Baba of beas lifestyle ways

So we live another day to watch the idoit and his around the world in 80 days holidays

Do you think that Gurinder REALLY believes he is the supreme ruler of all that is (God)? Does GSD actually believe he is God?? This question popped into my head yesterday and I was like, noooooo. Surely he knows that he’s just another guru. I always believed that he believed he was serving God. But now I’m curious if he actually thinks he IS God.

Surely he’s smarter than that. But I am curious… because if he truly believes that he is God Almighty then (🤣 🤣 🤣) that changes EVERYTHING.


Even Jesus only claimed to be the Son of God…

For the record, I’m 80% sure GSD sees himself as a guru serving God. But a lot of satsangis believe he is the be all and end all of all that is. Thats something that will hopefully get corrected as satsangis evolve.

RSSB is still in its infancy…

@ Gina

If it is a correct what you wrote, than the questions arrises whether the satsangis are able and or willing to attribute an different meaning and value to their Guru as they do now.

It is and has been my personal understanding that believers of any religion or spiritual practice want to have it THEIR way practical and mental....and to go a step further ... they are not even interested in whatever teaching is presented to them. Listening to the tapes of the late MCS, focusing on the content of the questions asked, will make that clear.

As long as followers, speak of "my" guruy, master etc ...they will want him to see as they deem fit and do whatever they can to press him to act accordingly.

Many of the changes in the Dera and the organisation at large started in the minds of satsangis or those around him and were not initiated by him. ... why would he ?1?!

@ Gina

Probably it is all an psychological issue how people interpret things and what their source of information is , [1] hearsay or [2] personal inner experiences confirming what they first believed to be true.

It is quite a difference between being [1] spiritual beings going through a human experience or [2] humans having a spiritual experience. ..EVEN if a person has an inner experience.

These days a new branch of psychology is emerging "contemplative psychology"...[un] fortunately it is very closely related to the Buddhist experience in the USA and non-dual traditions.

This emerging branch by the words of Han de Wit, I believe the originator of this approach, goes a far way to explain or address the differences of looking at the same spiritual issues through the glasses of academical psychology and from within the narrative itself. He shows that each tradition has it own psychology, and even psychotherapy to assist the novice on the path

Gurinder Singh Dhillon a mocking of himself out in the world doing what clowns do.

What is this clown doing?
Seva for his master kaal?

His love of going on holidays paid by the sangat is an insult to them all.

Living of the sangats seva money enjoying high profile persons is a idiotic way to live and Gurinder has showed us all what a idiot he really is.

Meeting the Pope and having real dsrshan of him was Gurinders life long ambition and now he can finally retire and live happily ever after off the sangats well hard earned money now that it's fulfilled.

Shame on you Gurinder Singh Dhilion a special Hell awaits you

Gurinder singh dhillon, jasdeep and son visited the pope in October, kissed his hand and bowed down, showing who the real big daddy is of these clueless clowns of beas. Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Gurinder always says like attracts like, hence why the two self proclaimed living mafia masters are attracted each other.

Mrsantmat - I'm intrigued by the photographs you mentioned of Kirpal and Charan appearing together at the passing of the Namdhari guru. Would you be able to point to them?

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