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October 17, 2024


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Beautiful place you live in Brian.
Itś also fine to see your work for your wife as meditation.
When feeling that way ´everything´can be meditation..
That is because of what you have done..all the years ..
I myself try to do that also..everything in that ´light´
Strength for both of you _/\_

And another one!

All the best to you and your wife.

A vegetarian diet impairs healing after surgery. Collegian is vital for healing, and no vegetarian sources provide the high-quality collagen found in bone broth, beef, and seafood.

I know this sounds rude. It felt rude to say it. Why? Because vegetarianism is as strong a credo as the Nicene. People take their dietary choices very seriously. Not just the veg fans, but also the meat eaters.

Then again, to trump for atheism is usually taken as rude. As rude as to trump for Jesus. Or trump for Trump. Diet and politics as as much of a religion as religion. Even he most convinced of being pellucidly clear eyed and pristinely rational is still in thrall of some degree of zealotry and dogma.

Then again, every obnoxious advice giver does have his saving grace: his advice just might be of practical value. At the very least he intends it to be such. I trust we all do. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

@ Brian. “I stopped worrying about missing my meditation time, because any time is meditation time if it's mindful.”

Some teaching and teachings remark on the difference between doing and being in that for many, meditation can become just another thing, something to be doing, something one does. Being on the other hand is being, being with just this, no matter what is arising in the moment being with that is meditation.

It is though, quite difficult for us to just be. We habitually fill each moment with thoughts and activities which render us living in the past, or projecting into an imaginary future – which is living in thought, in concepts. We can’t be still for very long before we either scroll through our smart phones, switch on the radio or TV, mull over some past event or project some hoped for or anticipated future happening.

Doing (although of course natural and necessary) becomes a non-stop habitual activity and is the antithesis to being. One story I like that describes this: - A student approaches another. “What are you doing?” “Nothing he replies.” “Then you are just sitting there?” “If I were just sitting here, I’d be doing something.” “What is this nothing you are not doing.” “Even the Buddhas do not know.”

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