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October 27, 2024


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The loving kindness meditation in Buddhism is known as ‘meta’ chanting and is similar, if not the same as Brian’s practice. I used to do it years ago but could not see how such chanting was anything more than just, words and thoughts – and how could they benefit others, the world or myself. And as for being at peace, well, chanting generally seemed to bring a temporary feeling peace – perhaps because other thoughts and worries etc. were rendered briefly no prominent.

So, I much prefer and align with the thinking of Joan Toliffson. In her latest on-line posting, entitled ‘No one is steering the ship’ she talks about her first retreat with Tony Packer where: - “. . . the lightbulb went off and I realized there was no self, that the self is a mirage created by thoughts, memories, storylines, sensations and emotions. I began to notice that experience is without a center and without borders or seams—not just in my experience, but in everyone’s experience, although we might not notice this because our conceptual map often overrides our actual sensory perceptions. This realization didn’t mean that the me-sense was permanently eradicated, never to return. In fact, every time I get defensive or frustrated or feel miffed in some way, that me-sense is back. It’s never entirely believable anymore.”

In my opinion, this seeing that there is no self and that as (quite naturally) it arises, it’s not quite believable anymore. This perhaps is important, that although the strong feeling of self is always there, it is not believable anymore.

She talks about compassion, compassion that springs from the freedom from a self-dominated mind: - “No one [no self] is making it happen. Seeing this is an enormous relief. It takes away guilt and blame. It gives us compassion for ourselves and for everyone else being the way we all are.”

Perhaps this is where the sought after ’peace of mind’ resides.

Most philosophers would agree that it's hard to be happy when you're poor, and doubly hard when you're politically oppressed. I have a solution for both problems. Here's an incredible opportunity to make money on a sure thing while protecting the world from fascism. Place your bet on Kamala to win, today!

Beautiful post Brian!!
I have done many retreats with Bhudists Teachers..
The ´Mindfullness¨Is so sooo very fine.

I love what you write and it awakens me in that sense of ´just be´Again´

Thank you

Have just read this post again and the piece from Tony Packer, particularly where she points out in last paragraph: - “In seeing the hills and valleys now shrouded in fog, now lit up by sunlight -- do we see the ideas about them, or is there just unlimited space in which things freely appear and disappear? The open space being oneself, and what appears and disappears oneself, without division.”

Quite often when we approach the wonders of nature, it can be seen that we have no real connection to any of it at all. Packer identifies the reason as sitting firmly in the way we habitually ‘see the ideas about them’. I would have thought that anyone interested in the lack of real relationships we have with nature, with ourselves and the world about us, would firstly enquire into the barriers we unconsciously erect that cause such divisions.

As far as I can see, meditation or awareness (or the felt need to honestly enquire into who/what we are) is the first and only step toward any sort of liberation that enables us to see the self-erected barriers that we construct from our repertoire of thoughts, ides, opinions, desires and wishes that contribute greatly to our existential feeling of separation.

Rape case unfolded in a satsang centre, I believe many more will come out after seeing this....

I, I, I, I, I, like I’m so superior or so Special.
Search for community.

@ Integration

It has been a pleasure listening to her.

Probably more because of her self-confidence in expressing herself than what she expressed.

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