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September 21, 2024


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RSSB is old technology to enter the other worlds. Neville Goddard sums up the new techniques in- Out of This World. You can find it on youtube.

Glanced at the PDF. Interesting reading, looks like. (Haven't actually read it yet.)

Heh yes, agreed, that's one of the things that sets apart religion from science. The fact that science celebrates the overturning of established theory, while religion froths at the mouth when such happens.


Although there's that old chestnut from Julian Johnson. About that guru --- I forget who, Sawan Singh, was it? --- who'd apparently said to him (Johnson) that, should someone be able to show him regions higher than he'd traversed, then he'd thankfully follow him down that path.

All of which sounds very reasonable. Until one is able to finally un-knot oneself, and remove one's head from up one's ass, and realize that all of it is unmitigated, unsupported flights of fancy, beginning to end.

Quantum theory is esoteric, complex. Involved discussions about how many angels can fit on the head of a needle also can be esoteric and extremely complex (as well as discussions about whether, as in Phelps' Notes, the Lord is differentiated or undifferentiated). But the one is nothing like the other. Astonishing that even in this day and age, the religious don't realize this. Astonishing how, even in this day and age, when this is clearly told to them, the religious still don't realize just why the one is nothing like the other. Just as Trump doesn't realize why he's wrong to conclude that immigrants are rampaging around in Springfield, devouring people's pet cats and dogs. Not to mention others of his ilk in other parts of the world, in the Islamic hellholes, for instance, and in countries like India.

God preserve us from these halfwits running around amok. They're funny, sure; but they do represent a very, very real danger. Same as a certain someone --- who also was hilarious, sure, but at the same time proved to be very, very dangerous --- who'd started on his political career around a hundred years ago now.

Yes, because most people have a deep interest in spacetime and gravity, which is why they join religions.

Another swing and a miss.

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