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September 01, 2024


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Although some of what Metzinger is saying is understandable such as; “the fact that most of the content of your experience are constructs, the brain's best guesses”, and that the self is a construct, he (quite naturally for an academic philosopher) couches his ideas and findings in a language that (for me as a layman) is quite difficult to follow.

It is laudable that his work attempts to demystify meditation, non-dual consciousness, self, awareness etc. by putting it within a naturalistic interpretation. In many of the writings of Mahayana Buddhism there are numerous commentaries; personally, I would need a set of commentaries to get a clearer understanding of Metzinger’s terms and phrases.

It seems a new master has taken the charge

Dera Beas gets new Guru Jasdeep Singh Gill (cousin of Gurinder Singh Dhillon

He seems to be making two points here. The first is, again, the brain-model business. As far as that, sure. ...And the second point he makes is, the capacity-to-experience thing he'd discussed before. As far as that, I'm not sure I agree. Because, that epistemic route thingy he'd introduced in an earlier chapter, which idea I liked, very much.

He's saying, meditators experience at first hand something that can be described as capacity-to-experience. Sure, not contesting that. Most long-term Vipassana meditators have experienced that, to more or less degree. Including yours truly. Usually it's fleeting; but to those who undertake longer retreats spanning many months, including monks --- whom I've spoken with at first hand --- that experience can be more lasting than the more fleeting experiences of it that other vanilla long-term meditators normally experience.

But, my point is, that experience of capacity-to-experience, is just that, it's just an experience. There's no epistemic route linking that experience to anything real. For that, we have no other recourse but to rely on science.

You see what I'm saying? ...Maybe an analogy might make this clearer:

Our experience is that the sun goes around the earth. But science tells us that the earth goes around the sun. ...So, say we devise practices, including fasting and meditation, and/or drugs as well, the net result of which is that you sit cross-legged under the sun, and look up, and experience that it is you that is going around the sun. That's a cool experience, sure; but there's no epistemic route linking that experience to what's actually happening. Therefore it does not make sense to say that that experience, of the earth going around the sun, is closer to a truly scientific worldview. For all we know it could just be the head spinning from the malnutrition and sleeplessness and the meditation, and/or the drugs.

Likewise this. I agree with the experience itself. But, I'm saying, absent a clear epistemic route linking that experience to how the brain-model actually operates, I don't see why we should treat it as anything other than just a cool experience. I don't see why we're now describing it as an accurate mapping of a scientific worldview. More like happenstance, it seems to me.

(Or so it appears to me. Happy to change my opinion, if I'm mistaken about this, and if you would show me where my mistake lies.)

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