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August 12, 2024


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Harding: - “Typically, these will include an enlivening of the senses (raising the screen which muffles the plangency of sounds, dims the glow of colours, blurs forms, and filters out the loveliness shining in the "ugliest" places) and (to go with the sensory awakening)”

I do seem to be favouring the sensory aspect of ‘living in the now’. I do believe/think we have fallen into a habit of living in our heads whether through the habit of extraneous thinking along with the contents streamed at us through the various forms of media. All effectively obscuring what is occurring in the present moment or what is – to use common cliches.

I appreciate this common Zen story pointing to the now or present moment: - A pupil asked “How do I enter Zen?’ “Do you hear the sound of that mountain steam?’ replied the master. ‘Yes”, said the pupil. “Then enter Zen from there.” The pupil said “What if I couldn’t hear the mountain stream? What would you have said then?’ “Enter Zen from there,” replied the master.

The Guillotine Meditation / Headless to heart meditation.
ONE of the most beautiful tantra meditations: walk and think that the head is no more there, just the body.
Sit and think that the head is no more there, just the body.
Continuously remember that the head is not there.
Visualize yourself without the head. Have a picture of yourself enlarged without the head; look at it. Let your mirror be lowered in the bathroom so when you see, you cannot see your head, just the body.
A few days of remembrance and you will feel such weightlessness happening to you, such tremendous silence, because it is the head that is the problem. If you can conceive of yourself as headless – and that can be conceived, there is no trouble in it – then more and more you will be centered in the heart.
Just this very moment you can visualize yourself headless. Then you will understand what I am saying immediately.
By Osho

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