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July 31, 2024


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Just makes me think (again !) just how ‘scientific’ these ‘studies’ and all this ‘research’ really is.
“Some of the respondents in the 3,700-strong pool had never undergone any form of spiritual training at all. “

When you attempt the meditation you are seeking something very mysterious inside your own head. You are not thinking how you compare with others.
And where did she get this 3700 pool of meditators from ?
What about all the unheard of meditators who, even if they were asked “how do you compare with others” would refuse to answer such a question.

Once something gets the title “Research has shown” it is done with the intention of making a lot of us think it is true. It is not true.
Publicising is done with a motive.

What’s your motive here Brian ?

@ Eric

Sometimes when I was fined when younger by a police officer, for making a simple traffic violation, I had the gut feeling that he used that fact and the legislation related to it just for his own pleasure of exercising power..

These days I have that same feeling towards many people that are operating in the field of rights that are not theirs, animal rights, eco-rights, klimate rights ..you name it.

The leader in parliament for the political paty by the name of "Party for the animals" makes me even think she hates animals or is afraid of them ...she her self is so full of frustration and anger that it seems to come out of her ears like steam .. hahaha

But Eric ... as grandma taught me at early age:
Little fellow you can see human heads, you will never been able to look inside them.

Is it it possible that humans miss-use their legal power for selfish reasons .. i guess they do, some knowingly and intentionally and others thinking they are serving a greater good.

Naturally Brian is selective in what he publishes here,

Again the word Love doesn't t appear
"Who is more in Love . . . . . :

Charan answered once :
Who can be proud in the presence of such a tremendous Lovely Energy!
U see that in everybody except yourself.

Real spirituality / meditation can happen
by switching off our "Inner Dialogue' TOTALLY during LET S SAY 20 seconds
OR 3
What s happening then is. humbling, experiencing to NOT EXIST


"Fortunately, most Democrats aren't like most Republicans. We think for ourselves. We enjoy the oft-heard metaphor that getting Democrats to agree on something is like herding cats. We don't want to be sheep all placidly moving in the same direction."

By inexplicable coincidence, it's only the day a f t e r the presidential debate on June 27th, 2024 that it dawns on the author that all those people were right who'd for at least 3 years that Biden was senile.

Before then, the obvious senility of the guy allegedly running the country and leading the free world senility was never mentioned in his blog. This means he either didn't see it, or, probably more likely, saw it along with everyone else but didn't want to admit it until he read that the coterie of dem politicos (i.e, the people really running the country, some elected, some Hollywood movie stars such as George Clooney) issued their directives that the democratically elected president of the US must heed their authority and step down. A directive that President Biden was forced to accept. What a nice coup it was.

There's that dem independence & love of democracy I keep hearing about.


Not all are chosen.
Was it in YOUR hands what happened to you?

Popular sovereignty is the principle that the leaders of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people, who are the source of all political legitimacy. Benjamin Franklin expressed the concept when he wrote that "In free governments, the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns". Franklin's views came before the Clooney Amendment.

Meditation is only the gateway to the inner worlds. Jurgen Ziewe has a new video out called-WILD - The power of Hypnogogia. It is truly staggering and will rock your world to see what is possible.

‘Feelings of Spiritual superiority!!’ Now why doesn’t this surprise me? Perhaps because firstly, I have noticed in myself and secondly, I have met many practitioners and teachers who do feel or believe that they are either special, have arrived and feel, well, sorry for others (not necessarily compassion).

I guess the issue is that we are pretty much run by our egos much of the time and by ego I would also include the term self. Either way, both seem to be aspects of the mind – the information that comprises one’s identity. And, from what I understand of these mental processes an ego/self is a necessary and natural survival function.

But, as the Trungpa quote points out ‘there are numerous sidetracks which lead to a distorted, ego-centred version of spirituality.” So, I can only surmise that the counter to the ego issue is one of being aware enough to see when the ego/self is taking the credit for whatever ‘spiritual’ practice one is engaged in – of anything else in life actually.

Perhaps it is pertinent to inquire into the ego/self in order to discover how this phenomenon has be-come overly dominant and how we continually identify with – what is after all – just our particular sets of information – and all in order to maintain the fragile structure of the ego/self.

@ Ron

Once a young lad came to me complaining about his laziness. To his surprise I told him that he indeed wqas lazy and even worse that he thought. He started to weep upon which I asked: "Why do you weep? Is laziness in invention of You? Did ypou bring laziness into being? You want to be laizy buit do not accept its consequences.

Is ego an human invention?
Is the use of it in anybodies hand?
Is anybody to blame for having an ego and using it?

Is survival, material and mental, possible without ego?

Is not the identification with ego the problem for those that want to understand the source of beingness?

um. You seem to have grasped the issues regarding the ego/self structure particularly as your last sentence describes it.

And, no harm in being lazy - as long as the lad doesn't make a habit of it - a good kick now and again could help.


Yes that is the Greatness of it

YOU are the Doer of ALL . . of everything
Sometimes I ask myself : " IS NOBODY SEEING THIS?"
People , believers in terms they think of is 'MILLANIA
C Q 100 lives maxi

Sorry for most of us it s 10 to the power of 99999
You were very Wholy when this started and had free will
It s ONE Package

There is only One mordial SIN : "YOU Think U exist" ) Pls stop it


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