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July 29, 2024


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It says a lot when the list of the happiest counties/people in the world are those from Europe – mostly the Scandinavian countries and many say they have no religious beliefs at all. None of these countries are particularly religious, in fact, the most religious countries are the Moslem ones – often awash with troubles. The western world generally has become quite nonreligious – America being the exception.

America may still have a large Christian following but they also have (as Kate Cohen states) a culture where: - “Lies, lying and disinformation suffuse mainstream politics as never before.” It has been noted that “The stronger the religious influence on the national movement, the greater the likelihood that discrimination and human rights violations will occur.”

When it comes to happiness alongside the increasing mental health problems throughout the world, I would not blame the lack of religion. I accept that our frantic lifestyles do contribute but I also wonder that when people, particularly some young people are calling mental health problems are just ex-pressing the everyday problems of living. It often seems that being bored, pissed off, not getting the latest phone etc., results in being addressed as adversely effecting mental health.

And I’m sure that being part of a religious community, feeling part of something bigger than ‘me’ can help one to be less troubled – but on the other hand, being part of any caring community, neighbourhood or a member of the welfare and caring professions can also give one a sense of purpose and contribute to being happy.

It is my understand of life that humans can be devide in groups according the way they participate in these activities. One division is that between the producers and consumers

It does matter what level of knowledge each has in each group. be it
Politicians and voters
scientists and the people that use the outcome
Arists and those that enjoy themselves with their products

The same holds for religion.
Most people are to be labeled as "consumers" with a higher or lower degree of knowledge, understanding and practice.
Those that frequent mosques, churches, temples, the buildings are the consumers. They go there to "HEAR" a message and few will heed those messages and transform them in the practice of their daily life,
In that sense most visitoirs of buildings, are not interested in what they consume in the building, they could in fact be called atheist as the lady describes herself.
There is little difference between the building frequenters and those that have made up their mind.

I suppose the lady still considers herself to be "jewish" in stead of human and american.

Religion, the consumers variety, has only meaning in relation to functioning in society. It is a kind of attribute people carry around by which they are to be seen or want to be seen.

In fact these are all people that frequent restaurants according their social status and their knowledge of cuisine is most of the time nothing more than their like or dislike.

To use their opinions as a means to evaluate practitioner of the cuisine might have meaning for them talking with friends, making themselves seen as knowledgeable, but in the field of cuisine their opinion has no meaning and value attributed to.

Most of them are just pedantic consumers, trying to impress family and friends.

And ...all this talk about religion, atheism rev. can easily be or become an diversion of something else ... with .. the .motive behind these conversions, motives that have NOTHING at all to do with religion but identity, being seen, acceptance by community or a person act.

There were days one could easily score and impress peers and others with eastern mysticism... these days are gone ... but not that underlying mentality...today these people pose as proud atheist .. it is all fodder for psychologists

The same weak, tired arguments. Child rape, really? Allowing children to go hungry? Hoo boy. And the other lies, such as the one about American Christians forbidding abortion to save the life of the mother. Patently untrue.

So-called progressives really make me chuckle when they declare they're patriotically standing up for democracy. "We live in desperate times, and democracy is under attack," In the same breath they'll tell you how outraged they are at the people who disagree with their social and political beliefs, and how these people must be silenced. As we've just seen, that includes their own president. Biden was legitimately elected, right? But let's allow a few people with money to pull him from the race. Boy is that democracy in action, progressive style! Then there's their efforts to game SCOTUS because not every decision it renders goes their way. Abortion is now a matter of state law. Ida thought that would be welcomed as democracy in action. "Noooo!" cry the atheists progressives.

Their claim to stand for democracy is a joke, and they still have no argument that America's believers have a demonstrable negative effect on society. And they still have no idea why the majority of this country has had its fill of their BS.

@ Sant

Society and culture are like a house built with many materials and made as a whole with a binding substance.

Years ago I had these feelings of a nearby coming thunder, but I was not able to find out what it was.

These days I know what happened, the mortar, the binding substance has lost its power. It is no longer able to keep the blocks bound together ... the house has become an pile of lose elements, that can come down any moment.

It could not be prevented, it has to happen.

BUT ... To think that a man the like of Trump has the vision how Americans have to cross their rubicon and built a new house for themselves is beyond words. .. it is like believing that a robber will and can look after a bank.

Mind you and those idealist that think that they can, and have the duty to save the world, are in my book even more dangerous.

The solution must come from understanding what the natural role of humans is and mainly come to the understanding that they can only handle a small environment and that there must come an and to GROWTH.

Find ways to end or to curb the globalization as they cannot handle that,

Have a look at the udders of Holstein cows how they have grown, how much milk these cows give in comparison to older times ..See how the cow walks and what a burden it is on her legs ... and then you will understand what is growth and what is wrong.

um. Good observation, one l can emphasize with - particularly the analogy with the cows.

@ Ron

Hahaha ...honour to the one that deserve to be honoured.

Listeninng for many years to the late MCS and digesting what he said has developed my natural skills of observing and understanding human behaviour.
Hahahaha ... unfortunately not the spiritual skills, as I have come to understand to lack the needed love and devotion that is needed for this spiritual practice.

Even today, what he said about human behavior, is bearing fruits and I am convinced it will continue to the end of my days

Was he a great psychologist or did I attribute it to him ..I do not know.
It was certainly not his role. nor mine to use his words in that way.

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