« Narrative self-deception is one way we fool ourselves | Main | An atheist had a near-death experience that challenged his spiritual skepticism »

July 15, 2024


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"..That's my political attitude. I've also got some theological issues to discuss.."

Now this is one post where I want to agree with you.

On the sciencing/political part.

One has to wonder what’s going on in the minds of Trump supporters. Listening to some of the re-publican speakers at yesterday’s convention you have to wonder whether they are living on the same planet regarding Trump’s criminal history. They deny his guilt accusing the criminal findings and proceedings as a democrat’s witch hunt.

Such ardent supporters either have huge investments in promoting Trump so vigorously or, they are suffering from entrenched self-deception. As Brian’s previous post on Metzinger’s new book mentions: - “Metzinger talks at length about an obstacle to this, narrative self-deception. He notes that our search for meaning is a foundation for that sort of self-deception. For we imbue events with a flavor that doesn't exist in them as they are in themselves.”

It’s easy to understand why so many of his Christian fundamentalist supporters want to believe that Trump was saved by God (and indeed, chosen by God) as they probably have long personal histories of relying on their beliefs to provide meaning to their lives, and as Metzinger points out promotes self-deception.

I am somewhat sceptical that the human race can ever rise above such self-deception. Life can be uncertain and through our various insecurities we may always be susceptible to teaching and formulas that offer an apparent quick fix to our fears and consequent search for meaning.

Rather than see and experience life as it is, it is so easy to overlay each moment and happening with some habitual thought induced concept and meaning, thus escaping present moment reality. But there again, if Trump is elected president, that is the reality, the on-going actuality that we will have to live with – it couldn’t be otherwise.

Category is: Assassinations.

He survived an attempt by bomb and said, "This I consider to be confirmation of the task given to me by Providence to continue in pursuit of the aim of my life, as I have done hitherto."

Who is __________ ?

Brian, I think I've finally found what went wrong. With the why you left RSSB thing:


I went back to your story above. Which led to another link below:


"When I signed up with Radha Soami Satsang Beas, I was attracted to its monistic (reality is one) philosophy. The promise was that meditation would lead the disciple to an experiential realization that oneness rather than manyness is the way things really are.

I still believe that monism is more likely to be the foundation of existence than dualism. It just makes sense that the essence of reality is one, rather than two or more.."

Above, you stated that the teaching attracted you or at least made some sense, right?

Then you made a comment (below) in the same thread from above about their teachings on being vegetarian, that it also made sense to you:


After, someone asked you more in that same thread, and you responded:


(Quoting you)
"Robert, responding to your query about how I could believe a perfect guru would take me to Sach Khand (heaven) requires some background that would be better put in a blog post. Maybe tomorrow. I don't think I've told the tale of my RSSB initiation in much (or any) detail. This helps explain why I jumped into this belief system.

Regarding 2 1/2 hours of meditation, I've come to agree with you. This is one of the RSSB commandments that I used to adhere to pretty strictly (down to using a countdown timer on my watch) and now doesn't make sense to me.

Like you said, being aware as much as possible throughout the day seems more conductive to personal growth than sitting with eyes closed repeating a mantra, or trying to hear sacred sound and see divine light."

Posted by: Brian | December 06, 2008 at 10:36 AM

I think here, in this reply comment of yours lies a true reason you've been having obstacles during your past RSSB meditations. Why, exactly? Because when you said, "(down to using a countdown timer on my watch)". That timing your meditations, I've read can create an obstruction.

Because using the timer on you watch is the obstruction. Baba Ji in the words of His Master Charan Singh Maharaj Ji said to me in a letter. That when I meditate I should not keep time. Meditation time is just that, a time for meditation only the way instructed to initiates. Baba Ji told me to be in the moment, and do simran without ANY other thoughts of the world. No timing thoughts, no stopwatch thoughts, no rushing the hours thoughts, just do it

Months before it happened, a Noted Guru predicted the attempted assassination of Trump

We're speeding toward assassination, obviously.

They protested him, they called
him names. He won anyway.

They impeached him -- twice! -- on ridiculous pretenses.
They fabricated a lot about what happened on
January 6 in order to impeach him again. It didn't work. He came back.

Then they indicted him. It didn't work, he became
more popular.

Then they indicted him
three more times! And every single time
his popularity rose.

So if you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then
you go to impeachment, now you go to
indictment, and none of them work, what's

I mean, you know, graph it out man!

We're speeding toward assassination
obviously and no one will say that but I
don't I don't know how you can't reach
that conclusion.

Permanent Washington
both parties have decided that there's
something about Trump that's that's so
threatening to them they just can't have

Kudos to anyone who can guess the Guru's name.

Speaking of narrative self-deception, I've never known what to make of the TDS crowd. You'd think they'd be just a little pleased that the man they loathe just got shot in the face by a would be assassin, but this seems to have enraged them even more.

It's all so very strange to me. I mean, I spent 4 years living in America with Trump as president, and the sky didnt' fall as they predicted. On the contrary, there was prosperity and peace. No businesses were seized, no political prisoners put in prison, inflation was low, and minorities prospered. But apparently, the TDS crowd saw something else. I suspect that what they saw existed only in their minds, not in reality.

Of course, I could be alone in that presumption. Then again, every poll and betting odds maker has Donald Trump as the overwhelming favorite to win this November. This might mean that the TDS crowd needs to reassess their certainty that Trump "is the biggest problem facing our country."

I have to wonder about the ever-angry TDSers. They prize themselves as elite rationalists, yet they clearly have no problem with a senile dude as the leader of the free world. But in the debate, the country witness who is sane and who can't put an understandable sentence together. Or course now the TDSers want their guy gone. But let's be frank, that's only because election time is rolling around. They'd be pleased to have the senile guy in the WH, because, well, it's all about power.

"But Trump is the one who is power mad! they say. And yet it's their guy who's adamantly refusing to step aside. How deliciously ironic.

The TDSers' bottomless rage isn't confined to ire over Trump. Oh, no, by no means. As a rule, the TDSers are likewise red-faced with rage over Christians. Oh my God do the TDSers hate Christians. Not as much as they hate Trump, but still, quite a lot.

One might ask if the TDSers have any love in their hearts for anything. I'm not sure, but I suppose gender surgeries for kids might be something of which they'd admit to fondness. And drugs. The TDSers tend to love drugs. And of course, TDSers profess love for darker-skinned people -- as long as they don't live anywhere near them. TDSers will always live in white communities.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see what happens in the next few months. I don't think there's any predicting what will happen, because given that that basement Joe somehow got more votes than Obama, or indeed any other presidential candidate in history, tells me something about how trustworthy our election system is. Powerful forces are at work to be sure. But whatever happens, I hope the TDSers find a way to relax a little. I mean, at least, let's not have any more assassination attempts.

The utter stupidity of Trump worshipers, and the complete lack of integrity of these creatures, dishonest to the core, would have been hilarious had it not been so disgusting and, more importantly, had it not posed such a dire threat to democracy and to a sane way of life.

Hint: It was a Republican that shot the orange turd. But facts never got in the way of said turd spouting nonsense, and nor his half-witted followers.

"..profess love for darker-skinned people -- as long as they don't live anywhere near them..."

Posted by: sant64 | July 16, 2024 at 07:59 AM

And where are your sources ?Mr./Ms./Or aibot(s). Anonymous


At a bit of a tangent to the immediacy of political exigency: Like someone said, people who believe in irrational things can be made to do outrageous things. Add to that: people who are given to believing irrational things can be made to believe in specific kinds of crazy.

In other words: Belief in the irrationality that is religion is fundamentally unstable and dangerous. We see this all around the world. Most conspicuously in the Islamic countries. Also, of late, in countries like India. And certainly in the US as well, which now teeters on the edge of a deep precipice from which there well may be no returning.

My point, that I'm trying to make (not very well articulated, I realize that) is: "I'll not budge unless the Lord makes me" is no less crazy a statement than "God saved my vile bloated orange ass." I think it's ...crazy, that the person manning the most powerful position in the world, and the one who of the two candidates for another shot at that position is the sane one, feels no embarrassment about invoking his imaginary "Lord" in public, and no shame in publicly parading his insane religious beliefs.

It's crazy that, in this day and age, these archaic irrational beliefs are not only extant but actually mainstream. It's no surprise that such a world should be so riven with conflict, and so fundamentally unstable.

What is Trump supposed to say to the victim's widow, "I'm sorry I turned my head so your hubby got shot instead of me"?

Jeopardy asks: "Category is: Assassinations.

He survived an attempt by bomb and said, "This I consider to be confirmation of the task given to me by Providence to continue in pursuit of the aim of my life, as I have done hitherto."

Who is __________ ?"

I have posted on this blog before about the clear cult like behaviour and patterns amongst Trump supporters.

Over the past 9 months, I have recognised an imo far more insidious and dangerous and delusional cultism and denialism amongst democrats and Biden supporters. Far, far worse. We have entered the realm of the hyper-absurd.

After suffering an appalling assassination attempt, Trump here in this comment by "Jeapordy " is likened to Hitler.

As if Hitler is defined by an attempt on his life rather than for enabling a major war and a genocide!

I am truly appalled, disgusted, heartbroken etc (most sincerely, words cannot describe) at the silence or merely mild criticism of Biden's truly and horrifyingly barbaric and genocidal term in office, instead choosing to focus on the "real danger" that is Trump, from so called liberals.

If any one of you who is ignoring the horrifically brutal and barbaric genocide that Biden is actively enabling, and is still going on right now, today, whilst thinking Trump is some sort of "evil" or dangerous person of far greater concern whilst Biden is essentially"decent", then you are either utterly delusional and disconnected from reality, or you plain just don't care about babies and children being massacred every day with your tax money, presumably because they're sub human, brown, Islamic insects not worthy of your concern. That is the full spectrum of choices here, there are no other options.

Biden is a senile neo-liberal patsy that has done nothing except preside over the laundering of hundreds of billions of dollars of public money to the military industrial complex through Ukraine via an unrequired war which was provoked by NATO by breaking decades old agreements by encroaching on Russian territory over many years, orchestrating a coup and installing a puppet government on Russia's doorstep, Ukraine, in 2014, and then proceeding to kill many thousands of people with Russian sympathies and ties in the Eastern Donbass region since.... there is literally no country in the so called West which would have accepted these aggressive moves. The West also not only didn't make a slightest attempt at negotiating peace, they in fact demanded their puppet government in Ukraine refuse the peace deal they were just mere moments away from agreeing with Russia. NATO wanted war at all costs.

All the above are facts. Please feel free to check them out, as I know for shit sure CNN, MSNBC, BBC etc weren't sharing these facts in their bullshit pseudo-state propaganda. In the meantime, here's a quick snapshot of what the war is really about. Notice the smiling Zelinsky, who is smirking even as in Dec'23 generations of Ukrainians lay dead in a an unrequired war that benefits absolutely noone except arms manufacturers:


Your media isn't viciously and desperately anti Trump because he is such a danger to democracy... it's because he's not as useful and controllable and reliant a tool for the neo liberal war machine which launders billions of dollars of public money through brutal wars in regions that should have absolutely nothing to do with them. How do they do this? Just watch your state media during these flushes of public money; even actual liberals like the owner of this blog were so brainwashed by the bullshit and lies that they actually demand their governments send money for death and destruction!

Oh Putin is so insane, evil, a danger to the whole world, look how barbaric he is blah blah blah.

But, when it is impossible to frame the narrative like this, like in Palestine (although they tried at the beginning, like Biden's disgraceful and disgusting lie that he saw pictures of dead beheaded Israeli babies, and repeated the lie TWICE more, despite Hamas not beheading any babies at all) and it is clear who the real barbarians and "evil" people are, the very same neo liberals who were apparently all for free speech and independent journalism start demonising and shutting down journalists and public commentators and protestors and anyone else who raises their concerns about being complicit in genocide.

In other words, when it is CONVENIENT to talk about barbarism in war, it is covered 24/7 with extreme emotional manipulation to rouse the public to WANT to go to war, whether or not that sensationalist framing is true or just.

But when it is INCONVENIENT to talk about barbarism in war, IE. when it is your own government openly committing it, then you simply erase all trace of that unfortunate circumstance, pretend it isn't happening. If one thing the last few years have taught us is that yes, people really are this gullible and easily manipulated.

Regardless of the ever shifting morals and narrative emphasis or censorship as we're seeing over Israel and their ongoing atrocities with US support in Palestine, 2 things remain ever certain: death and taxes. Deaths of the innocent, and taxes going to the arms manufacturers. Certain.

So, please feel free to criticise Trump, perhaps even put up a graphic with him in the cross hairs of a rifle like one of the major neo-lib propaganda news channels over there in the US, CNN or MSNBC or whomever put up just a few days before the assassination attempt (good good, can one even begin to imagine the hysteria if the political parties and victims were reversed....yes, civil war... which suggests to me the Biden supporters are clearly more dangerous and fanatical)...

...but please excuse me if I feel this to be quite repugnant in its implications.

Just like all the many dozens if not hundreds of times democratic and Biden speeches, conventions and meetings etc have been interrupted by protesters against genocide who have without exception been met with the mindless chant of "4 more years" (to recap, s protestor mentions some aspect of the crimes being committed with US complicity, crimes of such magnitude that they should make everyone literally breakdown and weep, and the response of large parts of these meetings is "4 more years"....let that shit sink in for a moment).... don't be surprised if history looks on you less favourably than you imagine it is doing right now:

"Yet, in calling for Biden to step back from running a second time, some Democrats have described the president as “decent” and “a good man”. The opposite is true.

Biden has enabled a ghastly genocide, the starvation of children in Palestine, and his legacy is defined by it. Unfortunately, his record before Palestine also puts the lie to the “decency” myth. His enthusiasm for the Iraq war and the savage destruction of Lebanon in 1982 illustrate his poor judgment and ethical lapses on foreign policy. His opposition to federally mandated desegregation busing, his lazy plagiarism, and his sexist treatment of Anita Hill, a Black woman who was allegedly sexually harassed by the supreme court justice Clarence Thomas, do not comprise a record of decency either."

What a stirring eulogy for Corey Comporatore. Like many Trump supporters, Corey was a man of faith. With supreme heroism, Corey made the ultimate sacrifice for his family.

Alas! If only Corey had known he was a fool for a) believing in God, and b) supporting Trump for president. That's on you, Corey. Had you been a faithful follower of this blog, you'd have learned that you and your family have no intrinsic self and that life (and your sacrifice) has no meaning. Your time would have been better spent reading neuroscience than attending Trump rallies.

Association means assimilation.

If you're around good people good results. Bad people, same same.

But time will tell, no?

Itś absurt to identify Trump as so terribily bad etc..

I think Trump is the very best in this time of life as president.
We live in a strange and dangerous time right now..
Trump is very human and good for the people..
This is how I see this..

@ S

Ask any Italian, be he fascist or anti-fascist, and they will agree about a couple of things about Trump:

He looks like Mussolini
He behaves like Mussolini
He talks like Il Duce

Some will add to it:
Let us hope he will also act as Mussolini

And others:
Let us hope he will not act as Mussolini

Even today Italians remember him for what he has done for the country.
The good things, that are appreciated even to day.
But also the heavy price they had to pay for it later on

These days we see him stretch his arms, like Mussolini but he keeps his hand closed in a fist,...beware of the day he will open that hand and stretch his fingers..

We have seen this gesture many times in history ..the Romans started with it.
It has always been the beginning of an downfall and endless misery..

NO individual human has or ever had the capacity to look after the welfare of humanity.
They all caused more misery then the misery they were hoped to end.

I wonder what people have done in school when they were taught the history of mankind....

Anyway ..it doesn't matter who says what .. the bolder has been pushed and now it will roll of the mountain and nobody can stop it.

"Trump has broken many of the commandments. He lies incessantly. He's committed adultery. He cheats people. He puts himself first in almost every situation."

Comments like the above are a typical symptom of those afflicted with TDS. They never tire of telling anyone who'll listen that Trump is a horrible human being. The implied corollary? Those who support Trump are just as horrible as Trump. But leave that aside for now.

For the sake of argument, let's say that this person's evaluation of Trump is dead on the money. They've accurately put Trump's immorality in the crosshairs and their evaluation of Trump's deplorability hit the bullseye.

How do they then explain the fact that Trump, convicted felon, arch-criminal guilty of bogarting classified doc, inveterate pussy grabber, probably Russian agent, bosom chum of every despot and tyrant on the planet, liar with pants on fire, twice impeached, and headed to prison for life if the veganistas have their way.....has for months been far ahead of Joe Biden and Komala Harris?

What does that fact say about how the dems have performed and behaved lo these last 4 years?

You see TDSers, Biden and his admin have been a total shitshow. Biden and his admin have been the most feckless presidency in the modern era. And because of that, the nation is set on course to return Donald Trump to office.

Everything Biden has done has been a disaster. In foreign policy he played half-measures on Ukraine and Gaza, achieving nothing, wasting billions of dollars. His frantic withdrawal from Afghanistan was one of the worst forced errors in American history. Biden, incredibly, thought it a great idea to leave the US border open. That insanity alone might cost him the election.

The only thing Biden did well was spend money. And hoo boy did he spend money. Not for any good cause mind you, but purely to buy votes. His profligate spending to remedy the ludicrous COVID!! restrictions have plunged the country into runaway inflation. As I knew it would from the outset, despite no training in economics beyond knowing that too much spending will always cause inflation. Enjoy your $ 5-a-gallon gas and $10 veggieburgers. That attempt at vote-buying failed Biden badly. Another was his thoroughly illegal and nakedly meretricious efforts to forgive college loans.

I segue to Biden the man. Restrain yourself Sant...in short, almost everything the TDSers say about Trump's lack of morality can be laid to Biden as well. His staffers report Biden is a rageaholic. He's clearly a pathological liar, instances of such are too numerous to list. He's the only president to threaten SCOTUS members in an official public setting. And he's just as stubbornly devoted to personally holding on to power as any politician I can think of. Geez, even the bullheaded Lyndon Johnson stepped aside for the good of the party. But not old Joe Dementia, a fake Catholic who is passionate for abortion and crossdressers. Here i must find common ground with TDSers, in that I loathe Biden the man as much as you do DJT.

Side note: Kamala. Need I say anything about what a cipher she turned out to be?

Joe and Kamala = bliss? Maybe for you, but the country isn't blissed out.

Yes, Joe and Kamala were so excruciatingly bad as leaders that your pal Donald J. Trump is leading them in the polls.

For every TDSer, that's a fact that's got to stick deep in their craw. Perhaps it's something they can reflect on, and learn from.

Who am I kidding? Right now these people are running around smiling, saying "The shooting was a false flag! Trump staged it"!

But that's how it is with TDS. And there's no cure.

In 2023 the US rate of inflation was 4.1%. For 2024 the projection is 2.4%. Guess the increase on our lease renewal. 17%! I talked it down to 12%. $400 higher monthly rent vs. $550 but still too much! It's not like the owners improved our apartment or the building last year.

A forgotten driver of inflation is selfish profiteers who overcharge because there’s nothing to stop them and they think they have you over a barrel.

I think we all would be proud to have such a loving, adorable, loyal family to stand by us, and support us , as Trump still does, …..even after his Leftest Woke haters have tried to destroy him, the last 8 years and failed even trying to assassinate him. Love him or hate him, his Sperms have fathered adorable children and grand children, regardless of Mates, that brings envy to his haters and lovers alike!

@ Sutherland And and others

In older days kings and emperors had whisperers next to their throne; people without any official function, so that they could not be attacked or fired.
Maybe you should read "Il principe" di Niccolò Machiavelli

These people, these whisperers, advisers are often found to manipulate the one in power and having more intellectual power than those the seem to please with their advises.

These days we see that behind many an so called "world leader" there are are ideologists to be found, often of nationalistic signature, dreaming of the old days...or ... in modern terms ..making x great again.

Most of the times these ideologist eschew the media and hide themselves in the shadow .... if somebody wants to understand what lays before us ...try to find out what these adviser in the background have to say and do not forget to look at their body language, the tone they use, ....maybe you will shiver

These advisers are like the saying that behind every powerful man stands his wife.

There was this AUSTIN Company
went short the day before
on Owned bu Blackrock, Vanguard , Soros
These own the whole world
So he must not feel very comfortable


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