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June 27, 2024


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High-sounding gibberish.

Neville Goddard has the answer that RS or any group never found. Listen to his ,Out of the world , audio on youtube.

The concept of emptiness can seem very involved. The simplest explanation being that ultimately everything is empty of inherent, independent existence. Common sense tells us that we have an independent, enduring self and are convinced that this self within us has been present through childhood, adult-hood and now. The reality is though that no such thing as a self can be found, all we can ever experience is the idea of a self, purely a thought construct.

I believe (think) that Toliffson’s is correct about awareness. We give objects of perception a name, an identity, isolating them from each other and ourselves thereby dividing everything into this and that. Such is the function of thought and consciousness and necessary for day-to-day survival. It is only awareness that comprehends the whole and sees through the delusion. Dogen pointed to such delusions saying: - “Those who totally realize delusion are buddhas. Those who are totally deluded about realization are ordinary people.”

I reckon that the human mind reacts against such simplicity as it’s always searching for something more, going from one teaching, teacher, book or whatever for explanations. It can be exhilarating and temporarily fulfilling, but never totally satisfying. Toliffson in her latest substack points to the pursuits of enlightenment as an ever-going habit or desire we exhibit where she says: - “I’m a classic ex-ample of that punch-drunk boxer, that spiritual addict, forever doubting and grasping and trying to pin down the one right way. Yes, I have deeply, experientially known the truth (and I’ll get to what I mean by that) for a very, very long time (decades). But then, in spite of knowing better, "I drag my-self up and set out again on my search, determined to find more proof."

Joan further quotes "What Will It Take?" by John Astin:

Do we really need more proof?
Another taste of joy,
another glimpse of truth,
another experience of this, that
or the other thing?
What will it take before
we finally stop and accept
that it is over, that this empty cup
has always been full?
How many more experiences
before we realize
that we could never have more
of what we already are?
In a flash of insight
I wake to this knowing...
this simple knowing that
I could never really add anything
to This that is already everything.
But then, like a punch-drunk boxer,
I drag myself up and
set out again on my search,
determined to find more proof,
More evidence, I cry,
That is what I need,
never quite believing
it could be so simple.

I asked AI this important question:
“ Describe what type of personalities members of the Church of the Churchless led by Pastor Brian Hines pastors?”

AI offered this quick answer:
“ The Church of the Churchless, led by Pastor Brian Hines, is a non-denominational, online community that attracts individuals who share certain personality traits and spiritual inclinations. Based on Pastor Brian's teachings and the community's dynamics, members tend to be:

1. _Spiritual seekers_: They question traditional religious dogma and seek a more personal, direct experience of the divine.
2. _Critical thinkers_: They encourage inquiry, analysis, and evidence-based reasoning, often challenging established beliefs.
3. _Independent-minded_: Members value autonomy and individuality, preferring a more personal, self-directed spiritual path.
4. _Open-minded_: They embrace diverse perspectives and explore various spiritual traditions, philosophies, and scientific theories.
5. _Seekers of truth_: They prioritize authenticity, honesty, and transparency in their spiritual pursuits.
6. _Disillusioned with organized religion_: Many members have become disenchanted with traditional religious institutions and seek a more inclusive, accepting community.
7. _Intellectually curious_: They enjoy exploring complex ideas, philosophical discussions, and scientific inquiry.
8. _Supportive and inclusive_: Members foster a sense of community, encouraging mutual support, respect, and acceptance.

By embracing these qualities, the Church of the Churchless creates a unique space for individuals to explore spirituality, question assumptions, and cultivate personal growth.‘

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