Having been a religious believer for 35 years, Eastern religion variety, I'm deeply familiar with why people are attracted to a belief in God, heaven, supernatural realms, mystical powers, life after death, and such.
In short, it feels good.
Religions provide a community of like-minded people. They offer a ready-made meaning to life. Their believers are drawn to view themselves as special, possessing knowledge and benefits (like eternal salvation) off-limits to those not within the religion's fold.
I found all those things highly appealing and beneficial to me.
Until I didn't. For this primary reason: I came to conclude that most of what I believed wasn't true. So I was buying good feelings with a counterfeit coin. This was different than how I felt for a long time, which basically was "I don't know for sure what's true and false about my religion, but it has the ring of truth."
That shift didn't happen overnight. It occurred gradually, bit by bit, in much the same way my first wife, Sue, and I grew apart during the latter stage of our 18-year marriage. In both cases, the final breakup was preceded by a lengthy period of slowly growing disenchantment.
I'm not claiming that I now have seen the light and know truths about reality that escaped me during my true believing days. Far from it. In some ways I'm more uncertain now about life and the cosmos than I was as a religious believer.
But I'm content with that, because I'd rather be close-to-certain about a few key things regarding this material world, rather than being close-to-certain about some supernatural propositions.
That tradeoff makes sense to me because I've found that when something is likely both true and beneficial, embracing it is better than being attached to something that's probably false and beneficial. In other words, I'm still wanting peace of mind, happiness, and other good stuff. I just have come to prefer that those goodies come wrapped in truth rather than falsehood.
Again, I'm not saying that I have any unique insights into what is both True and Good. In fact, I'm attracted to these True and Good statements about reality in large part because I see them as founded in a broad scientific outlook, not some narrow perspective.
If I had to pick two True and Good things that I've come to rely on, they would be:
(1) There's no enduring self. This is a tenet of both modern neuroscience and ancient Buddhism. What I am, what you are, what everybody is -- that's something ever-changing, ephemeral, and interconnected with the rest of existence. Knowing this takes the pressure off of me trying to find my true self, of saving my soul, and other notions based on an assumption that such is possible.
(2) There's no free will. This also is a tenet of both modern neuroscience and ancient Buddhism. Whether termed determinism or karma, it seems highly likely, almost certain, that our actions, thoughts, emotions, and such arise from causes and conditions extending from the present moment to the big bang that brought our universe into being. Again, interconnectedness.
Now, I realize that even if someone acknowledges these statements to be true, they may vehemently disagree that they are beneficial. And that's fine. For that person. I'm just expressing how I feel, not how everybody should feel.
Which is a considerable change for me. I used to get defensive when my religious beliefs were challenged. I'd try to defend them by various sorts of arguments, none of them highly persuasive, in my current frame of mind.
By no means have I lost all of my desire to have people agree with me, rather than disagree. I'm just less concerned about defending my views about no-self and no free will. (Not that I have a choice in the matter.)
Evolution of Sant Mat Gurus:
1) Early Gurus such as Kabir, Tulsi, and Shiv Dayal wrote mystical prose about their inner travels.
2) Successors such as Jaimal, Sawan, and Kirpal were a bit less otherworldly, but like their predecessors posed as all-knowing Godmen. Their theology was based on the premise that salvation was impossible except by shabd yoga.
3) Successors of these Gurus such as Charan and Darshan were still less otherworldly. Though they were orthodox in teaching shabd yoga's necessity, they didn't advertise themselves as all-knowing.
4) The present generation of Sant Mat Gurus -- Gurinder and Rajinder -- have completely cooled out on the triumphalist position on shabd yoga. Gurinder is on record saying that Sant Mat is by no means the only way to union with God and that the practice of hearing the sound current offers "an advantage." Rajinder hardly ever refers to the specifics of traditional Sant Mat teachings in his talks, and for the most part only talks about the benefits of generic meditation for mental health.
Posted by: sant64 | May 11, 2024 at 06:24 AM
First of all, RSSB is not a religion, it’s a cult, there’s a HUGR difference between religions and cults. Religions are stupid. Cults are dangerously idiotic. Every single person I have ever known who is a devoted member of RSSB is undoubtedly brainwashed and phenomenally idiotic.
If you have anxiety disorder as a member of RSSB you are so
Incredibly stupid that you deserve it. It is the most ridiculous cult in ALL of India. Please… do yourself and everyone else a favor and get psychiatric help.
Posted by: TheBestAdvice | May 12, 2024 at 06:21 PM
Stupidity IS a crime.
Posted by: Get Help | May 12, 2024 at 06:23 PM
And you’re not alone. I have met hundreds of RS initiates who are suffering from acute anxiety disorder. It is so disproportionate to the number of other religious adherents experiencing anxiety disorder that is seems crystal clear that the fundamental belief system of RS is tragically flawed.
Posted by: Get Help | May 12, 2024 at 06:27 PM
GSD can’t openly admit that he isn’t God in Human form
Simply because it goes against the economic model of RSSB. If he admitted the truth (that he’s noy GIF) then RSSB would lose half their annual donations which would destroy their organization. So, although he knows he’s not God, he’ll never state that clearly to his followers because it would cause RSSB to go bankrupt.
Posted by: RSSBisaterriblecult | May 12, 2024 at 06:36 PM
GSD let his nephews rot in jail and his wife mysteriously die for the crimes he committed. You’re an an absolute fool if you think he’d treat you any better. RSSB should be shut down by the Indian government and they most certainly will be in due time.
Posted by: Promise | May 12, 2024 at 06:40 PM
The Truth always wins in the end.
Posted by: stayoutofmydreamspace | May 12, 2024 at 06:51 PM
RSSB is dead.
Posted by: TheWhiteHorse | May 12, 2024 at 07:11 PM
Modi president visits Dera RSSB regularly as I understand it.
They are good friends it seems.
Truth..what is it?
´Be here now¨
Posted by: s* | May 13, 2024 at 03:51 AM