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February 01, 2024


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In a big city they'd be out and proud and waving rainbow flags.

"Yunker’s campaign post included claims that drag queens are pedophiles and events including family friendly drag shows or drag queen story hours are attempts to make pedophilia seem acceptable. He further declared that supporting Pride Month was akin to supporting child abuse. “It is shocking that any adult would endorse this child abuse,” he wrote."

But here's exactly what Yunker's campaign post said:

"On June 7 ,Grants Pass Mayor Sara Bristol read a proclamation supporting “Pride Month,” which honors the so-called LGBTQ+ community. Although many who live a gay lifestyle now reject the “T” because it involves the grooming of children, leftists still “celebrate” transgenderism. I stand on biblical truths and am opposed to the transgender movement. Transgenderism is being pushed on children in our community and nation. Its results are life-altering for a vulnerable population. Dr. Peter McCollough points out that the “published data demonstrate ‘gender affirming’ care does not cure gender dysphoria and that it is sterilizing in 80%” of cases. Further, the numbers show that children with autism are targeted. I stand firmly against altering innocent children who are being manipulated into believing that something is wrong with them. All children were made in the image and likeness of their Creator, God. I am also against biological males competing against women in sports. As a father of two boys and two girls, I know that my boys were made physically stronger. I want my daughters to be strong women, but not to have to worry about biological males stealing their opportunities or awards they have achieved. I am also against anyone that preys on children in any way. “Drag queen story hour,” or “family friendly drag shows” clearly attempt to make pedophilia seem acceptable. It is not OK to expose children to drag queens or to claim someone is not a pedophile when he is performing sexually explicit material in front of children. This is headed toward acceptance of so-called “minor attracted persons” who want their letter added to LGBTQ. It is shocking that any adult would endorse this child abuse. Therefore, on June 7, I did not attend the beginning of the Grants Pass City Council meeting. I will not be a part of or stand next to anyone who supports these abuses."


PS: While I agree that the first politician you cited was legally out of bounds in saying that atheists and Muslims should not hold political office, Yunker's case is different. Things like Pride Month aren't constitutionally protected, and communities have the right (Miller test) to judge -- and forbid -- things they find morally objectionable. And politicians have a right to voice their opinions on such contentious issues.

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