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December 09, 2023


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When, As Newton pointed out in the creation of Calculus, all reality as we know it, is a series of static points, then time is really for us.

If these are related one-dimensionally, through our perception, through a single linear progression of "time" which is actually an infinite series of static points, then of course, all cause and effect are just artifacts of observing these static points as motion and making inferences about how they relate to one another.

But perhaps our limited one-dimensional understanding imposes upon them relations that don't actually exist.

Hence the necessity to raise our thinking beyond that.

Eggington’s introduction: “For all their profound differences, Jorge Luis Borges, Immanuel Kant, and Werner Heisenberg shared an uncommon immunity to the temptation to think they knew God's secret plan. Each in his own way resisted the urge to project essential aspects of how human beings experience reality onto reality itself, independent of how we know it.”

Just read this in Psychology Today: - “The brain is therefore not a passive recipient of images and sounds from the world around us. It actively looks for patterns and interprets the world around it. Our experience of the body is also a construct built up through feedback from the senses. The brain not only improves, it also invents.”

Basically then, we do not see the world as it is; we see it as we are. What our senses reveal to us is adapted to our needs. Science is saying that our early and on-going experiences construct how we interpret the world about us. This also must be how all other creatures navigate their environments – how they experience their environments is all predicated on their particular needs.

This also goes for emotions. Lisa Fieldman-Barrett. In her two books “How Emotions are Made” and “Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain” talks about how our brain predicts and launches our ac-tions based on data, namely, based on our past experiences.” Depending on the perceived physical reality, the brain extracts information from our past experiences and predicts a course of action. There is no ‘me’ involved, just the brain making predictions from past experience in conjunction with presented sense information.

In fact, it’s quite likely that our entire cognitive repertoire, our thoughts, feelings, emotions, wills, imagination, memory, sensations, perceptions, desires, choices etc., could all fall into the category of interpreting and predicting what we experience.

Just to add, I believe we do experience reality, but a reality that we do not imagine but merely interpret according to our particular requirements for survival.

Another offering celebrating deconstruction, meaninglessness, and futility.

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