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September 06, 2023


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With 2.4 billion followers, the world's largest religion is Christianity.
The next largest would be Islam, with 1.9 billion and growing. Along with Judaism, these are all Abrahamic religions.

If the Old Testament hasn't triumphed, how to explain these numbers? Moreover, where are the Romans and their domination of the Western world?

As for Donald Trump and those who are forever obsessed with him, take note that all the great things his successor ran on have largely been rejected by the public.

@ Santmat

The old testament and the new testament as well have offered their believers a free pass ...TO KILL ...in the bame of God, and wash their hands in inocence.

If that free pass was not there there would be no abrahamic religions and believers.

It is a human trick of the mind.
Sentient beings can only kill for food, the maintenance of the body.
To kill for other reasons, they need a "divine free pass"

It works until today.

@ Santmat

The old testament and the new testament as well have offered their believers a free pass ...TO KILL ...in the bame of God, and wash their hands in inocence.

If that free pass was not there there would be no abrahamic religions and believers.

It is a human trick of the mind.
Sentient beings can only kill for food, the maintenance of the body.
To kill for other reasons, they need a "divine free pass"

It works until today.

Imagine what would be the fate of the afghan [rural] culture in general and that of men in particular if the Taliban would not have the koran at their hand ... they would completely been crushed by women under the influences of globalization.

They have no Industry, no IT, they have nothing that resembles a western society. .. what is theirs is their medieval society based upon clans, farming, weaving and some mining.

Men would lose everything they have and are without getting anything in return, they would be worse of then beggars.

As long as that is not understood and dealt with their will be no solution and peace.

God is either retarded or the most evil thing that ever existed. He makes this stupid plan to create two humans only to make sure they eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and then throws them out into a desolate land and tells them to forgive their enemies after they beat the shit out of them and torture them continuously!
He kills babies, children, and mostly good poor people and anyone else he feels like murdering just to hurt good people who have fallen in love and then laughs his ass off when they suffer. He helps Evil people to rule over the world while they kill millions of people just to gain control of the Disgusting piece of shit he created. The moron does all this just so when he ends this piece of shit those he finds worthy can spend all eternity worshiping him! This guy is totally fucked up!

Let’s see, all you have to do is look into the past, the present, and the horror that is yet to come! Stalin, Poe, Mao, Kim Jung Un, all God’s emissaries on this earth, and many others that have tortured hundreds of millions of people especially Idi Amin one of the most brutal of god’s representatives on this putrid planet all have existed with his blessings.
God chooses a people to be his people and then makes them suffer immense pain and agony above others using his loved ones, the Nazis, who, using his people’s skin for lampshades, baking them in ovens, ..... it’s too horrible to even describe, and then claims to to be an all loving and merciful god! It makes me sick to hear such hypocrisy!
Couple all this EVIL history with what is written in the Bible and the complete and utter nonsense that plagues the world today

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