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September 12, 2023


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I might believe Paul Breer's philosophy makes a person freer, had not Breer spent 2 years in prison for child molestation.

Likewise, I'd believe Alan Watts's views would make me feel more free, had not Watts smoked and drank himself to death.

It looks to me like the philosophy of these 2 gentlemen doesn't lead to personal freedom at all.

It might be that their philosophies weren't really about the truth of life as much as they were an escape from life. To be more precise, a way of Crowleyesque self-justification.

To seek liberation from all the entrapments of the mind is a natural drive.

Emancipation, freedom, freedom from want of any kind, freedom from threat or feer, these are noble desires.

It helps to understand what that freedom truly is.

But what is it, really? Only a person who is truly free can know what that is.

But to promise it to others, that's a tall order. Worthy of inspection.

Caveat Emptor

So there is enlightenment, which is understanding things you did not before, seeing what was unseen, unconscious, hidden or simply new information, and then there are dissociative disorders.

"Dissociative disorders are mental health conditions that involve experiencing a loss of connection between thoughts, memories, feelings, surroundings, behavior and identity. These conditions include escape from reality in ways that are not wanted and not healthy."
From the Mayo Clinic

It's not unusual when someone has acted in a way they themselves would consider shocking that they experience dissociation from their own identity. It's a defense mechanism to protect oneself temporarily from trauma, but can become a chronic and unhealthy condition when that trauma and the behavior associated with o
It is not openly acknowledged and dealt with as a part of oneself.

From the above article..

"Dissociative disorders usually arise as a reaction to shocking, distressing or painful events and help push away difficult memories. Symptoms depend in part on the type of dissociative disorder and can range from memory loss to disconnected identities. Times of stress can worsen symptoms for a while, making them easier to see.

Treatment for dissociative disorders may include talk therapy, also called psychotherapy, and medicine. Treating dissociative disorders can be difficult, but many people learn new ways of coping and their lives get better."

So there is enlightenment, which is understanding things you did not before, seeing what was unseen, unconscious, hidden or simply new information, and then there are dissociative disorders.

"Dissociative disorders are mental health conditions that involve experiencing a loss of connection between thoughts, memories, feelings, surroundings, behavior and identity. These conditions include escape from reality in ways that are not wanted and not healthy."
From the Mayo Clinic

It's not unusual when someone has acted in a way they themselves would consider shocking that they experience dissociation from their own identity. It's a defense mechanism to protect oneself temporarily from trauma, but can become a chronic and unhealthy condition when that trauma and the behavior associated with o
It is not openly acknowledged and dealt with as a part of oneself.

From the above article..

"Dissociative disorders usually arise as a reaction to shocking, distressing or painful events and help push away difficult memories. Symptoms depend in part on the type of dissociative disorder and can range from memory loss to disconnected identities. Times of stress can worsen symptoms for a while, making them easier to see.

Treatment for dissociative disorders may include talk therapy, also called psychotherapy, and medicine. Treating dissociative disorders can be difficult, but many people learn new ways of coping and their lives get better."

In stark contrast to dissociative disorders, which are often associated with sociopathology, enlightenment is becoming whole, becoming One.

When Breer can say "No. That was me. I did that. It's no one else's fault. That was me 100%, and it was wrong. It's not society's fault, it's not my parents fault. It's not my karma or anyone else's. It's not he garden gnomes fault. It's me. And I am obliged to make whatever amends in my remaining years that I can.. " although that can be a very painful moment, he will have taken a step towards becoming whole, truly enlightened.

That is wisdom, as Pema Chodran wrote, the wisdom of no escape.


β€œFree will”. Good one. πŸ‘

Little manual to free will. :

First and simple believe you are the Eternal Creator who possess 100% free will
but actually in total voluntary amnesia.

Next try to Love that idea and the Doer of things
If difficult, . . do remember when/if you ever had That Love
and do revive it

Even with 1 gram of it, try to make it 2 gram by stopping your inner thoughts phantasies
>20 grams is possible with help of an individual who succeeded already
and might give you some help f I something charged to repeat.

How to know some love is generated :
Like with all love ( Partner / Pets / Nature / Music ) you automatically think less;
thoughts are replaced by an strange new pleasant emotion
up to peaceful music

Gradually you will know you always had free will


Shabd is in the 432Hz scale

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