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April 04, 2023


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Of course you were "thrilled." You believe your petty grievances are a just cause to overthrow the most basic democratic norms of this nation.

You know very well that the charges against Trump are meritless. And far worse, you believe that the transparently partisan motivation behind these charges -- to prevent a major political candidate from running for President -- are peachy keen fine.

If you find fault with Trump for denying the 2020 election results, fine. I'm with you on that. But you and every progressive like you has jumped into the same moral evil by cheering on these laughably insubstantial criminal charges. For the sake of spite, and to win the next election.

Simply put, you're the same as anyone on the Right who felt justified in ignoring election results. You believe in mob justice over the actual rule of law.

You for sure don't believe in democracy. Or in the very basics of American civics.

What's being done against this political candidate is something we've never seen in this country's history. We really have become a Banana Republic. One party has seized power and is perverting the rule of law to get its own way.

And it's not just being done to Trump, it's being done to half the nation. In fact, this new norm is being done to all of us, left and right. Our rule of law, the concept of equal justice, has been thrown out on the basis of political expediency.

So happy this makes you "thrilled."

What's happening has never been happened before, before such a brazenly utterly dishonest ...person, hasn't besmirched the Presidential office before this.

It is amazing that you condone the dishonesty of Trump, but criticize the law for moving in to account for that dishonesty, and criticize critics like Brian for pointing that out.

Of course there's merit to those charges. It's common knowledge, what those charges are. And that, as you well know, is just the tip of the iceberg; there's lots more, lots lots more, where that came from. There are far more serious crimes for which, also, Trump will hopefully be dragged to court for, and to jail after that.

Man's a crook, as simple as that. A hypocrite, a liar, a self-serving POS; but, more to the point, an out-and-out crook. Jail is where he belongs.


Nobody, regardless of wealth or status, should be considered as being above the law and it is very good that this principle is being upheld.

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