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March 19, 2023


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Walls keep us apart; bridges bring us together.
A wall, in this context, is symbolic of the closed mind.
Its purpose is to keep out anything that might alter the way we think, which in turn will affect the way we speak and act.
This wall is the outer shell of the human body that we think of as being us, and which defines who we think we are.
Each of the conditioned beliefs we cling to adds another layer of bricks to the wall until we are hidden from the opportunity of allowing actuality to breach the wall.
And there we remain, in the dark, confused and wondering why we worry when we can’t find lasting satisfaction with any THING physical, emotional, psychological, or any combination thereof.
A bridge, in this context, is symbolic of the open mind, that offers the freedom to explore and learn and to move from place to place, transitioning within a transitory causal universe.
The wall represents the fixed and separate, confused and conditioned, self-referential mind and the bridge represents the open dimension of inter-relatedness and equanimity.
Some will choose to rely on bricks and mortar and invest heavily in owning the house they build, and then worry that the house market doesn’t crash, or that someone is going to break in and steal its contents.
Others may well build a house, but the front door will be a drawbridge giving them access to actuality, because they realize there can be no security in any THING that is impermanent and insubstantial in or of itself.
For most, this will be a bridge too far.

Gillihan makes the point that “...We are constantly thinking: even if we decide to stop thinking, our minds will keep doing it anyway. It's what they are good at. If they aren't telling us stories in words, they're crafting made-up scenes or pulling up images from our memory banks. Our minds are actually so caught up in thinking that we don't realize we're thinking.”

Maybe then, we can point to thinking as being the main cause of much of our perceived problems. Leaving to one side at the moment that thinking and the abilities we have for planning and generally improving our lives are beneficial, some aspects of thinking definitely have their down sides.

I’m thinking!! how we accept certain words as truths, as being able to explain something that is purely inference. I’m thinking of terms such as spirit, mind, soul, self, ego, spiritual etc. All these terms are concepts, ideas that do not exist in the natural world unlike, body, brain, sight, sound, pain, joy and so on – yes, the physical world. It seems that we invent many words and spend the rest of our lives trying to think (or meditate) our way into experiencing the states that we believe they describe.

When it comes to mental phenomenon it is of course convenient to label the cognitive processes, but perhaps we need to remember that they are just terms describing what the body and brain does naturally. Otherwise, we can easily become slaves in believing that there is something ‘spiritual’ or ‘other worldly’ about them – and off we go chasing the myths we believe they describe.

@ Ron E [Otherwise, we can easily become slaves in believing that there is something ‘spiritual’ or ‘other worldly’ about them – and off we go chasing the myths we believe they describe. ]

Why 'myth'? Because you have no experiential proof? That's fairer if
you've practiced the requisite mindfulness and devotional regimen for
some time. Mystics for instance insist on finding proof within and reject
blind belief. The evidence for 'other worldly' can't come from any place
else. There's no room in their practice for 'chasing the myths'.

Either you experience proof after you set a time constraint or you dump
mysticism for a more promising practice. You certainly should be loath
to label unequivocally any religious mystic practice as chasing 'myths'
to avoid the supercilious ring of scientism. Labelling is a double-edged

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