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March 31, 2023


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To be authentic, you need to accept yourself for who you are, and treat others with respect.

Authentic people display a consistent set of values, and don't change their behavior from one conversation to the next.

You create your own place in this world by stepping into it and engaging with it on your own terms and in accord with your own abilities.

You cannot be other than you are in now-ness, but the actuality of causality always provides the opportunity for you to develop, to improve your knowledge, your skills and your abilities if you engage with the world as an on-going learning opportunity.

To do that simply to please others or seek their approval demeans the opportunity to realize your potential for authenticity.

Think your kindest thoughts.

Speak your kindest words.

Make your actions kind.

When you do this, you will be aware that your conscience is clear and the mind will be at peace with itself, others and the world around it.

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