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December 18, 2022


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Well done Argentina and Messi is like a god, he has talent, passion, and walks the talk. Unlike gurinder singh dhillons talentless wanna be clown, who has zero spirituality, zero answers, babbles bull crap on stage and wants to be the top guru of the planet. On the positive he definitely has the talent for lying, being a hypocrite, a narsasistical greedy and dirty old man. Oh did I forget to mention he's also a not so clever murderer - as he had every motive to get rid of (sacrifice a sevadar for a false promise) of the one person that would save his face and that of RSSB. Messi is more of a master than bafoon baba of beas will ever be. May be he should be considered for successionship - Parum sant Messi, instead of sex demon dhillon

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