Following up on my previous post where I spoke about the freezing rain that coated my area of Oregon with a sheet of ice yesterday, I'm pleased to present the video results of an experiment I conducted today on our very icy driveway in rural south Salem.
My quest was to determine what would slide furthest: a shoe, a banana, or a stuffed wolf? After the experiment, I then attempted to rescue the wolf from the middle of the driveway, which didn't go so well, as shown in the video. Nonetheless, I await my senior citizen scientist award.
Thanks for the slick video. Dubious science but fun in a seat-of-pants
kind of way. BTW, I applaud your courage in sticking that butt-slide
landing. It was a memorable ode to senior athleticism.
Posted by: Dungeness | December 24, 2022 at 07:01 AM
Haha, cool video.
The picture that sprang to mind is a bunch of kids, testing for themselves, like the Leaning Tower experiment, whether mass affects friction, by each of them launching themselves across there, and carefully noting down whether the taller and stickier of their group slipped along more or less than their shorter scrawnier fellows ---- and no doubt carrying home a bruised knee and sprained ankle or two, to their exasperated mothers.
The bones may be a wee bit older, but the spirit just as young and fresh! May we, each one of us, be blest with such!
Once again, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays.
Posted by: Appreciative Reader | December 24, 2022 at 06:59 PM
ah, automiscorrect. Ignorant AI, innocent of the protocols of scientific experimentation, stupidly begging the question. That's
'stockier', as in fatter, or more muscular, and more massive; not "stickier". The latter is the null hypothesis after all, in that hypothetical.
Posted by: Appreciative Reader | December 24, 2022 at 07:58 PM