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December 20, 2022


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Before I talk about god and atheism I want to share a riddle:
Who wants you to surrender everything to a god man, who wants you to turn the other cheek; who wants you to do hours and hours of slavery for the benefit of so called god man and his empire; who wants you to become a door mat; who wants you to fall in love with him and tear yourself apart from your real family and loved ones; who takes advantage of the suffering offering false hope; who would millions take a bullet for at a drop.of a hat; who wants to rape you of your mind , body and soul?

ANS: gurinder singh dhillon and his cult RSSB - the sex demon snake king.

After you do a 5min Google research on GSD, you will find that this person is just a opportunist , dirty old man and is enough to question whether there is a god. I went through this process and it left me in a state of suspension, with my foundations broken underneath me, the truth hurts and now I want the whole of the cult to wake up from this fake bubble they been put in.

This is what the likes of Radha Soami n Sex maniac Baba Gurinder Singh Dhilion do to an individuals innocent soul

They lie and torment the person with so much he has to turn to being an atheist in the end because of the years and years of torture and torment

The followers are put through the same lame ass boring rehtoric satsangs day in day out, then told to sit in endless witching hours of mindless meditation of the Devils names too, which makes them end up no better than they started and then they also have to surrender everything mind, body and soul to more arduous non fruitful seva, in other words let me suck the blood out of you even more while I still can get more out of you for my selfish wordly needs

This is a path of riddicule and embarrassment at the going hour as much of the world has seen enough to know what it's all about now and how much of a lying door mat Baba Gurinder Singh Dhilion really is

A lot of followers are leaving and for right reasons too as Gurinder Singh Dhilion has become a worldwide embarrassment for this evil cult leader of Radha Soami has been so brutally exposed to all to now see his real pathetic face of reality which he has been hiding for so long

No pictures please I'm hiding in my house again behind very tight security
And living off others hard earned money Oh you Shameless Baba how could you please

He has to pay for his crimes against humanity and that too will follow in short soon.

Christmas is here this turkey will be on everyone's table today and he so deserves this Ho Ho Ho
Leave this riddiculed Santa Baba behind and dig in and dig hard karma always gets his way in the end

As God sees everything and even though we feel we have no option but to become an atheist we should never give up on him because he would never ever give up on us would he...

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