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October 26, 2022


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Religion and nationalism seem to be bed-fellows, bed-fellows in that they both stem from the basic needs to feel secure, not only physical security but psychological security in the sense that to 'belong' to a religion or a country is to be part of something to be attached to that helps to boost one sense of identity.

Perhaps the reason for so much discord and violence is that one becomes so identified with a particular belief that to threaten it in any way is to threaten the very identity or self structure that is a prominent part of the ego aspect of the mind.

Nationalism has some positive attributes in that in can help build the infrastructure of a nation: bring endless job opportunities: gives strength to a nation etc. Conversely, it can lead to isolation: it can lead to war: develops prejudice and so on. I would reckon that all the alleged positive points of nationalism (and religion) could be achieved through a more universal manner based on the mutual understanding that we all have to live on this planet. After all, self interest (national, economic – and religion) has helped bring the planet to the point where its naturally evolved eco-system is collapsing.

India with its hate (or fear) filled climate is a mess – but so is Russia, the USA, much or Europe, the Far East etc. Sadly, I don't see a way out of our self-imposed mire, mostly because we don't really want to change, we don't want to give up our particularly long-standing standards of living and/or our particular psychological investments in our various belief systems.

Ending on a lighter note, when Monty Python's Life of Brian came out, a town in Wales (UK) recommended a ban in 1979 saying the movie made fun of Christianity and was blasphemous by a committee made up of church leaders. The 30-year ban on Monty Python's Life of Brian, was finally repealed with two members of the legendary comedy troupe attending the movie's first screening in the town in three decades. Perhaps there's hope for us yet!

That was very interesting, Ron, the 30-year Monty Python ban thing at that righteous and blessed little town.

But I'm afraid you're far too cavalier about blasphemy. The commandment about blasphemy is up there among the top three for a reason. No one should take blasphemy lightly.

Here's a troubling documentary that presents a grim picture about what happens when a degenerate irreligeous populace starts taking blasphemy lightly. Our Lord JC, no less --- well, okay, an earlier generation’s Lord, not quite ours, but still --- laughed at and ridiculed by oblique and completely sacrilegious references to some two-by-four ignorant peasant of a lunatic tradesman! That outrage is the kind of thing that happens when people take as loose a view on blasphemy as you.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asUyK6JWt9U

Pity, the complete mess over at India. Not just the Bollywood thing, but in general I mean to say.

I mean, it’s always a pity when this sort of thing happens, always. But more so because this is India. I mean, this is the land that, centuries and millennia ago, gave to the entire world the priceless treasure that are the Upanishads. The land that gave us so many deep insights in philosophy and spirituality --- true spirituality, the true search for who and what one is. And this is also the land that, not very long ago, produced stalwarts of the likes of Mahatma Gandhi, who not just helped deliver that unfortunate land from centuries of abject slavery and colonial exploitation, but did it in a way that was truly unique the world over, and presented to the entire world, and for all time, a lesson in how to wed spirituality on the one hand, and harsh reality and hard-nosed politics on the other hand; and showed how this can be done not just in the best of times when all that troubles one are mild irritants, but the worst as well.

For this land to be overrun by this bunch of vulgar semi-literate yahoos, for this sublime intellectual heritage of that land of giants to be overrun by the ignorant self-serving hypocritical chattering of this bunch of Bandar Log types --- to use that uniquely Indian, if colonial, metaphor --- that is nothing short of completely tragic.

@Appreciative "Pity, the complete mess over at India. Not just the Bollywood thing, but in general I mean to say..."

Very well said. I appreciate the comments.

Dont forget Gurinder singh dhillon does not condone bullies and thugs. He regularly gives the green lights behind the scenes for his RSSB sevadar to beat up innocent farmers. These farmers have every right to protest about how the bully dhillon and his family and his cronies steal farm land and their very livelihoods. His brainwashed sangat only see is dhillon as love and light and a saviour figure, how completely opposite are his character and morals standings. Dirty dhillon, your days are totally numbered, you are an evil, vile, man and all your family happily live off the spoils of laundered , siphoned money from your own blood nephews. How shameful of a human being you are.

About 4 weeks ago, Beas sevadars and a sikh sect called Nihangs got into it pretty bad. Both sides were injured in fighting as well as police officers. Beas sevadars were forcibly stopping the Nihangs from grazing their cattle on Beas property. Things got out of hand really fast. I guess the sevadars didn't want cattle to be eating on Beas property. Shots were fired into the air from both sides and stones and sticks were used by both sides also. I guess sevadars are allowed to commit assault now.


A.R. Blasphemy!! Can't ever remember being blasphemous – just enjoyed the film, particularly the sending up and exposing some of the ridiculousness of various political militants, unquestioning crowds of believers, denying 'what did the Romans ever done for us' etc., along with the many examples of human gullibility – all done with humour.

I'm surprised that their other film, (much more risqué) 'The Meaning of Life' got away so easily and not resulting in bans or boycotts – and it didn’t do anywhere near as well at the box office.

Many religious countries play the blasphemy card so harshly it shows the inhumanity and lack of compassion that can often go hand-in-hand with putting beliefs before people.

Convicted murderer and rapist head of Dera Sacha Sauda serving life ,given parole by BJP Government to assist with their forthcoming state elections, BJP organising and attending his satsangs which he performs as messenger of God. Even Mr Modi calls him messenger GOD.https://www.ptcnews.tv/hc-lawyer-blames-haryana-govt-of-pampering-ram-rahim-sends-legal-notice

A well established Indian nutter Baba Gurinder Singh Dhilion is a well known corrupt criminal. Who has every intention of becoming the worlds number one Shameless Baba.

Which he has finally achieved.

He will go at any lengths to see his mafia style organisation called Radha Soami to become a global well known Cult which is based on a foundation of well told lies.

He has jailed and coned many out of pocket, locked his own nephews up after stealing millions from them. Bullied farmers out of they're land, stole millions from bollywood directors and the whole world knows about him but as Gurinder is a Shameless character he still carrys on.

His 2 Sons still live off his dirty money in London in luxurious mansions in Mayfair and have no Shame too as from where they're so called Baba of a father all of a sudden made a fortune all from a waiters job in Spain.

Talk about promotion or shall we say dirty money dhillon pays the way

The world sees all, even if you still think they don't . EXPOSED!!

Bollywood is fuly sponsored by terrorists Grow up Brian.

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