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August 16, 2022


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@Brian Ji [ Sure, awareness or consciousness does seem ethereal. But the Earth seems flat; the Sun seems to rise and set; matter seems solid; time seems separate from space. All of those seemings aren't true, so there's no reason to assume that the seeming transcendent nature of mind and consciousness is true either.

But, as mentioned fatiguingly often, religion persists with assumption/belief even in the
absence of personal experiential proof.True mystics do not. Rather, they insist on it.
They don't continue to believe without proof and yet invite a deeper understanding than
their own discovery/explanation if it is supported by such proof. That's why mysticism
never conflicts with science. Mis-applied religion usually does however and religion is
often conflated with mysticism.

Dungeness, I strongly disagree that mysticism never conflicts with science.

Mystics often say that humans have an immortal soul that can merge with God through meditation and other practices. Science sees no convincing evidence of a soul.

Mystics often say that life continues after bodily death. Science sees no convincing evidence of life after death.

Mystics often say that there are higher realms of supernatural reality beyond this universe. Science sees no convincing evidence of a supernatural realm.

You speak of "personal experiential proof." That means very little or nothing to science. People claim experiential proof of many things that aren't true: going to heaven in a near death experience, alien abduction, talking to Jesus, and so on and so on.

If you claim that something is true just because some people say it is true, you open the door to all sorts of falsehoods. Truth has to be more than just someone that lies in someone's supposed personal experience.

@ Brian [ You speak of "personal experiential proof." That means very little or nothing to science. People claim experiential proof of many things that aren't true: going to heaven in a near death experience, alien abduction, talking to Jesus, and so on and so on. ]

I agree. Narratives such as those may well be delusional but mystic accounts
are more credible and are confirmed by repeatability of the purported sights
and sounds experienced within meditation. There are discernible patterns
reported among the cosmologies of mystics of differing faiths and eras too.
Naturally their language, education, cultural traditions, background results
in disparate types of presentation. But mystic methodology/meditative dis-
ciplines remain remarkably alike in recommending an inward path of intense
mindfulness and devotion.

[ If you claim that something is true just because some people say it is true, you open the door to all sorts of falsehoods. Truth has to be more than just someone that lies in someone's supposed personal experience. ]

Of course, proof of mystic experience would be vastly more compelling
if there were objective physical evidence. That's not possible unfortunately
beyond wowing an audience with mental feats that would at best leave
doubts. All mystics can do is invite onlookers to follow a mystic path
assiduously to confirm for themselves the actuality of its claims.

@ Dungeness "All mystics can do is invite onlookers to follow a mystic path
assiduously to confirm for themselves the actuality of its claims."

That is a very difficult task. Unfortunately, people seem to struggle with just accepting commonsense/pragmatic ideas or propositions.

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