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July 28, 2022


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[ If I have to believe in God in order to experience God, then that experience is of my own belief,
not of God. ]

Totally agree.

[ I’d be overjoyed to see God in human form. Heck, in any form. A formless form would be fine also. But I want this seeing to be unmistakable, crystal clear, impossible to be doubted. I don’t want to substitute imagination for the real thing.]

Agree again although the practice of imagination is powerful and can become a tool to see
beyond it.

[Maybe I saw God in first class. Maybe. Maybe isn’t good enough. I want to be sure that God is more than, as the song goes, “just a slob like one of us.” Show me. Then I’ll believe, not before.]

Ishwar Puri said if a GIHF flew in the open air to wow you, you'd still think it was a trick in
the back of your mind. On the other hand, if he shows you how to unlock your mind and fly
yourself, you'll believe he's not just a slob like the rest of us.

As I quoted Philip K. Dick in the course of describing the Church of the Churchless symbol, “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” This probably is my favorite spiritual one-liner.

..........Mine as well! This quote fully resonates with me. I've read Philip K. Dick, have been reading him since long before I came across your blog; but this remarkable quote of his, I first came across it (or at any rate, I first came to appreciate it) right here in your blog.

And I agree, absolutely, with you, when you say that, "In my opinion that single sentence, when properly understood, contains the entire essence of volumes of profound mystical literature that fills my bookcases."

´Ishwar Puri said if a GIHF flew in the open air to wow you, you'd still think it was a trick in
the back of your mind. On the other hand, if he shows you how to unlock your mind and fly
yourself, you'll believe he's not just a slob like the rest of us´

Then you would see that nobody is´ just a slob..´

@Original Thread
"(Thank you for nothing..)"

Greetings Church of the Churchless! May the forces which power persons, be with you!

It is hot, dangerously hot so I hope everybody keeps their canteens full, and their canteens near!

Been hot in the LA area too. So hot, it's getting hard to meditate. I see a new post about my Master Baba Ji. I guess people who love Maharaj Charan Singh perhaps have emotions which make him so magnetic? Or people who love Puri perhaps get the same effect too?

Me, I see mine as another mentor like my father. Who kindly threw me a bone.

What if he sat next to you, and you were an ardent follower, like those who were whispering? Would they talk to him? would they remain quiet or be too nervous to speak? It's all in our head. He is, after all, just an ordinary man, who has a role to play. We put him on a pedestal.
there is a dialogue in a movie. "If god was one of us, just a slob like one of us, trying to find his way back home.." might be in vanilla sky


Vanilla Sky, 2001.
Joan Osborne, 1995, "One of Us."

What year did you hatch?

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