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July 18, 2022


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The title of this blog: - ‘Dibloggenes explains the universe in a mere 1,070 words’. And also, Dibloggenes opening statement: - “The Universe Explained for Dummies. These are my own conclusions to date, subject to revision at any time,” is refreshingly honest and forthright.

Well, such an explanation of the universe is as good as any that I’ve read in esoteric literature in the past. Though if it does require an explanation, I think I’d still rather wait for the science one – if it ever comes - but in truth, not actually anticipating one, I’m happy to be here to simply witness the universe and its effects.

‘D’ talks of the ‘Audible Lifestream’, which I understand is to do with the ‘word’, or ‘logos’ (“In the beginning was the word or logos.”) with its translational links to God – and also principle. To consign the origins of the universe to God or the first principle is fine. I also like the term Tao as it gives nothing away but invites us to just live with the ‘what is’ of life: -
“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao;
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
The Named is the mother of all things.”
Similar to the ‘One’ that ‘D’ and Brian talk of and which perhaps also reflects the Buddhist concept of nothingness.

My intent is not to have the universe explained but to realise the connection to it all and to see what it is that would keep me in the state of separation. To this end, I believe that which stands in the way is the ego/mind, with its progeny the self and with the realisation of what it is and how it divides us from the rest of creation questions of the origins of things become academic. The Buddha spoke of such discussions where he spoke of agreeing with the wise (pandita) of the world (men of learning, science in today’s parlance) about what exists and does not exist as such debate does to not lead to enlightenment, peace and awakening.

I also like the term Tao as it gives nothing away but invites us to just live with the ‘what is’ of life: -
“The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao;
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
The Named is the mother of all things.”

We are in accord. If I had to pick one book, one treatment of the Great Mystery over all others to try to understand and live by, it would be that of the Tao Te Ching. A near-perfect example of the balance of practical wisdom, reverence for the unspeakably sacred in Life, and leaving undone that which does not require doing.

Well said, Ron...

"One" = "God" = same difference

So who's trying to kid who?

"One" = "God" = same difference
So who's trying to kid who?

I find the term "God" has been so abused that its use implies the made-in-our-image model, at least to me. How you think of something will condition what you think of it. I find that the term God is very limiting personally, as it objectifies what is by all accounts incomprehensible perceptually.

I am trying to get in the habit of thinking and using the term the One Law. It may be more awkward, but it has an abstractive color to it that really does allow me to get away from a thing called God. Laws are, by nature, abstractions; they are representative of processes that do not conjure up a specific image. In this way, "the One Law" can carry as much water as our bucket will hold without falling into too many debates about what a container actually is…or the nature of water.

***Schmuckabybaby: This is a great name; it's like having Shecky Greene wade in on the nature of the divine!

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