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May 06, 2022


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First, I just want to know how many books have you read in your life???

I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a long time… and since then it seems the numbers have been rapidly climbing! 😂

It's nature and nurture, and both are crucial.

Any perceived problems, arise when you want the experience of life to be other than it is.

Any human experience only becomes a problem when you don’t like the experience or want it to be other than it is.
No experience is a problem in or of itself, because all human experiences are transitory and insubstantial as THINGS physical, emotional, psychological or any combination thereof.

Hating, suppressing, denying or diverting on-going unpleasant experiences concerning the traumas of human life is never going to resolve them.
It will only provide a temporary release from the physical, emotional or psychological pain until they are triggered again later and the conditioned habitual reactionary process begins again.

The recovery process is an internalized journey of acceptance, forgiveness and letting go of the attachments to unhelpful memories as being yours.

Hi folks
Talking about nature and nurture, and where humanity is at. Check out this hilarious over the top vid from the Black Keys. https://youtu.be/KKSmHOUaqaQ

Nurture. The answer is always “nurture”. :)

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