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March 15, 2022


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@ “Not only God is beyond words, everything is.”
Yep, sounds reasonable. Of course, saying everything is beyond words (words being symbols of our knowledge) is saying everything is really beyond the capacity of our minds. Our minds being simply stored knowledge – information – and, everything that we term life (down to DNA and cells) is information.

All organisms are designed to relay information about the environment in order to survive and pass on its genes – that’s it, end of story. To add on any invention of a supernatural bent is merely human desire for some sort of extra dimension or continuation of life. Life is amazing ‘as it is’, its generally only from our fears and insecurities that 'something else' is desired.

@ “It's really difficult to know ourselves, and even more difficult to know other people.”
I guess that depends on what aspect of ourselves (other people or other life forms) we are addressing. Purely biologically is simple enough, and with a little honest self-observation, even the processes, the contents of our minds can be seen for what they are – unless of course they are dressed up in some sort of wishful thinking.

@ Ron E. [ All organisms are designed to relay information about the environment in order to survive and pass on its genes – that’s it, end of story. To add on any invention of a supernatural bent is merely human desire for some sort of extra dimension or continuation of life. ]

From Wikipedia:
--- Scientism is the view that science and scientific method are the best or only objective means by which
--- people should determine normative and epistemological values, or that the natural sciences constitute
--- the most authoritative worldview.

The comment language, eg, "that's it, "end of story", "invention", "supernatural" , "merely human desire"
suggests Wikipedia' s "best or only means" should instead read "only" and is the extremest, hardcore
expression of Scientism. This strong whiff of bias is antithetical to true scientific methodology.

We are anxious when we are separated from a part of ourselves and then with all creation.

Integration can be helped with cognitive insight, but ultimately even that must be left behind.

Noncontrivance of thought is an old daoist concept that is relevant here.

"If you practice consistently, deliberate exercises, these are limited techniques. If you practice the principle of mindless noncontrivance, this is unlimited clear emptiness."
Master Danyang of the Song dynasty, (960-1279)

Do not keep things on your mind. Do not try to contrive reasons for this or that. Reasons are just words.

He writes" The substance of the Way is no mind, the application of forgetting words... Not being mindless like cats or dogs or bugs... But keeping the mind in the realm of clear purity. "

There is no anxiety here, but acceptance, and understanding.

For anxiety you need a divided mind, a fractured mind, a mind that identifies itself with a past long gonr or a future that was never going to happen.

Anxiety is a great tool. It tells you to go here instead. Return to the home of now, beyond words, where delight is found.

Life is a never ending story.

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