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January 06, 2022


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He carries hope that there may be more to this than he knows, and scepticism that anything outside his understanding is a bug in our thinking.

Both qualities are required of a good scientist. We are still a mystery.

If when you die all your ideas, and opinions about the world die, why not just start releasing all that now?

Why conjecture what happens at death, when you can take a big step forward towards that experience simply letting go your conjectures?

If there is anything left after you let go all your thinking, why not witness that now?

Others have claimed so for millenia upon millenia. Why not let go thinking, when you are fully sober and awake?

"While not every faith has explicit afterlife/reincarnation stories (Judaism is a notable exception), most of the world’s major religions do"

Many Jews in the late Second Temple era believed that they would be resurrected to life someday. There were many arguments about just how this was supposed to happen, such as whether they would have their old bodies, new bodies, or no bodies at all. But they all expected the resurrection of the dead would happen to all of them together, and at the end of time.

"What would the world’s religions be like if our brains were not organized to imagine that consciousness endures? And how would this have changed our human cultures, which have been so strongly molded by religions and the conflicts between them?"

Easy. You'd get the current religion of woke culture and all its ills, including an obsession with changing the weather and a precise control over what people do and say. In short, a fluffy totalitarianism.

@ Tendzin : [ Many Jews in the late Second Temple era believed that they would be resurrected to life someday. There were many arguments about just how this was supposed to happen, such as whether they would have their old bodies, new bodies, or no bodies at all. But they all expected the resurrection of the dead would happen to all of them together, and at the end of time. ]

Apparently, the Jewish Kabbalist mystical tradition affirms
this resurrection too. Sorta. The soul is divisible and only
pieces of "soul essence" return to perform specific noble
acts. So out of a fixed number of acts (Mitzvot) needed
for salvation, a separable "piece" of the soul is assigned
a specific act to fulfill. Until complete, the mini-soul must
toil in reincarnation until that box is checked off. But, wait,
there's more. A mini-soul may be dispatched here on a
special misssion, to rectify a "sin" for instance. Not a big
deal though as the Kabbalah assures us all boxes get
a final check-off and the soul returns home. Shalom.
P.S. Corrections from Kabbalists welcomed.

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